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Showing posts from 2011

Life Happens!

WOW! Its been tooo long! I have been trying to write for awhile now, but 2 things have stood in my way....writer's block and life! My last blog way back when was about memories and that is what the Derting's have been doing...making memories. At this would take days to catch up the past few months, so I will try and hit some highlights....... Our sweet Britan Rae will be 5 months tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl. She LOVES to eat...everything and anything you put near her mouth, but she still doesn't LOVE to sleep. She is very entertaining at this stage and has met and surpassed many of the developmental milestones for her age. She LOVES her big brother and he is pretty smitten by her as well. We love this sweet, smiley girl that honestly we can't remember life without!! Our big boy Bryson will be 6 in less than 2 months. Which means party planning has begun at the Derting's! He LOVES school....and I LOVE to see him while I am working!! He ...

My balloon obsession is tied to memories :)

Life is full of fun, exciting, happy, scary, sad memories...but no matter how they are, they are with you forever. Memories are what make your life and what make you keeping living life so that you can make more......... Brooks and Bryson asked me this morning, on balloon hunt number 5 out of 6 for the weekend, what my deal is with hot air I started thinking about my answer this afternoon when my camera was full of 239 balloon pictures. Balloons to me mean many cherished childhood memories....memories that make me smile when I think of them and memories that I hope Bryson made today and will smile at one day......... I have MANY memories of these amazing flying creations..... I remember Wesley and I waking up one Sunday morning to probably 10 balloons taking off in the fields right in our front yard, I cut my hair off in the 5th grade (the shortest it had ever been) at the Balloon Rally, I remember selling Bojangles chicken for a cheerleading fundraiser and tether...

My AMAZING Husband!

Today is our 14th "dating" Anniversary!!! I have spent almost 1/2 of my life with a boy named Brooks and I know there is no other person in this world that I am suppose to be with! Last year I wrote about how everything started.... This year since things have change so much for us, I think I should share how AMAZING my husband truly is..... Two weeks ago he had to go out of town for work and within 2 hours of him leaving.....there was a knock at the door and 6 beautiful red roses waiting on me! I remember the 1st time he went to visit his dad, the 1st summer we were dating, and this same surprise came to the door attached with a black teddy bear! He has always been so thoughtful and he loves to surprise me often with little notes around the house or in my car or a rose every now and then. I know that he loves me no matter how mad I make him.  I knew that he would be a great husband...or I wouldn't have waited so long to marry him, but I guess I never imagined h...

The end of September....we meet again!

One year ago, I remember everything so clearly....this is the week that we were suppose to hear our 2nd babies heartbeat and go on one of our usual beach trips. But this time a year ago things changed for us so quickly and it is now amazing for me to be able to reflect and see how far we have come and how happily we have grown! This time last year, Brooks and I questioned whether or not we would even try to have another baby after the heartache we experienced during our sad September....but we had no idea we would be blessed within 8 short weeks with the answer, our 3rd pregnancy! The end of this September is so much brighter than the last and we have woken up everyday for the past 9 weeks to this beautiful, smiling little girl, our Britan Rae! Although we didn't understand then and we still don't know why our 2nd baby wasn't meant to be ours in this lifetime, we are still thankful for the lesson we learned from our pain, but more thankful for the blessings that had ...

Our 1 Year Blog Anniversary!

One year ago today I started this writing journey to help heal my broken heart! One year later I continue to write, but for other, happier reasons. I don't have much time today, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has read, commented and listened to our life stories! There is already a blog ready for stay tuned :) Much Love, Alysha

Rest in peace, my dear friend!

Today was not the day I had envisioned...this is my last week home with my sweet baby and I was hoping to just spend time with her and not do too much. However, an early morning phone call changed the plans very quickly and has forced me to look back on my childhood and all the fond membries (memories per Bryson) it holds. Mom called this morning with the sad news, that many of you have already heard, a good friend was killed last night. This boy has been around since I was 5 and cried everyday for months in kindergarten (that is where Bryson gets it). He referred to me as the girl with dots at the time (b/c of my freckles), but at the time we didn't know we would share so many memories throughout our school years. We would meet (not intentionally) about every Saturday night at Laney's Fish Camp with our families and I am told we would peak over at one another the whole meal. We didn't know then that many years would soon be spent maki...

Reflux or Colic or Both.....I need help!

We have been told that Britan has reflux, but that there is not a real way to determine this other than doing an xray that would subject her to radiation that could be more harmful to her. I am not convinced its reflux, but I am convinced that something is bothering her and I can't figure it out. We see that she does have some signs of reflux, but some signs like not eating and not gaining weigh she totally doesn't have. She does throw up, mostly for me not as bad for Brooks. I have researched colic too and I have to admit she doesn't cry for hours on end, but she doesn't sleep for long periods without fussing either. Pretty much everything it says to do for a baby with colic, she loves...she loves to move constantly, loves her paci, loves white noise, to be swaddled. Also, I have found colic babies are good eaters and gain weigh unlike reflux babies which she is for sure gaining. We are now on Zantac and have been for 3 days, but at this point I can't say its hel...

Will this whirlwind ever end.............?????????

I am not even sure where to begin...but be advised this will be long because I have a lot that I need to jot in 5 months this will all be cherished  memories. Hold on for the ride because I am going to go back 3 weeks ago, which feels like 3 months ago and try to catch up on my crazy life!!!!! The week Britan came home my mom was here and things seemed to be crazy, but I was hopeful that life would settle quickly....I am still waiting, but I have to say that today may be that turning point. That week many other family and friends came by to see our baby piglet, but honestly at this point I can't remember everyone so I will leave it at that. Britan's 1st weekend adventure consisted of school shopping for Bryson, signing Bryson up for soccer and a new laptop for us (this should be noted....for some reason this new computer doesn't automatically tell me if I have misspelled something, so if you find misspelled words, bad grammar, wrong punctuation...please know my...

The day the world got the sweetest little girl: Introducing our Britan Rae all have done it again! We are once again reminded how much we are loved by all of the prayers, calls, texts, FB messages, visits, gifts...etc! We would like to thank each of you for taking this year long journey with us and we would like to share our sweet little girls entrance into the world with you. From yesterdays post you know that we had planned on being induced yesterday, August 2nd, but our little piglet decided she wanted to pick her Birthday and she did not want to share the month of August with her mom or dad!! We had BIG plans for our last weekend as the 3 of us and most events revolved around Bryson...I even told him on Friday, after we saw the Smurfs, he got his favorite place for lunch (Chick Fil A), and then raced slot cars with his daddy, that this was the last weekend all about him. Saturday we were going to finally due my belly cast (which I am kind of sad that didn't happen), Brooks and Bryson were going fishing and Sunday we were having S...

My pregnancy journal!

Well I am starting this a little late, but better late than never..... Week 22: Miss Britan you are giving your mom a hard time these days....MAJOR, middle of the night, leg cramps that cause pain for days that follow. Also, this is the week that we found out that I may have a "short" cervix :( I am thankfully for everyday that you are growing in my belly and I pray that you continue to grow stronger for many more weeks to come....although we are very ANXIOUS to meet you right now! The end of week 23: Oh my Miss Britan you are becoming quite a KICKER! I love when you kick b/c it reassures me that you are ok and growing as you should! I like to lay in the bed and shake my belly b/c you kick like crazy, as if your yelling STOP! Tomorrow is week 24, so we are getting there!! Week 24: Came and went and I forgot to write..... Week 25: We got to see Britan this week and she looked happy and healthy and JUST like her brother! I had my wonderful diabetes test this week....the...

The Fire Drill...Practice Run!

This is going to be a funny story someday, so it is so worth documenting, but will not be shared till Britan decides to enter the world. SO here we go........ Thursday, July 21st, the 2nd hottest day of the Summer and I am 38 weeks pregnant on this day. By this point I thought that I would have a baby considering Bryson was already 2 weeks old when I was suppose to be 38 weeks pregnant with him. However, at this moment Little Miss is not making much effort to meet her family! On this day, I had a couple more things I wanted to mark off the "to do list", surprising I know, I really wanted to go to this baby sale in Charlotte and attend Bryson's last t ball game of the season. All week I kept thinking....I am bored out of mind and the day that I have plans to do something then she is going to come........... Well, Bryson and I got up early on this Thursday, got ready and waited for a friend that was going to ride with me to Charlotte just in case I went into labor I wou...

Documenting Summer 2011

Well....while we are waiting....we have been accomplishing many things for the exciting Summer of 2011! I am thankful that I can say I feel like I have accomplished everything I had intended with Bryson for the Summer. I had this idea in my head that we needed to do as much fun stuff together before Britan comes so that I don't feel guilty once she gets here and life becomes a little more complicated. So here are some of the highlights for the Summer thus far: ~Cars 2! ~Bryson's 1st season of t ball ~A mini vacation to Knoxville, TN with the Derting's ~A visit to the Chuckie Cheese and Fun Station: Double check! ~Trips to the beach included the 4th of July, which I questioned whether or not would happen ~Painting at Unique Designs ~FREE movie Tuesday's ~SEVERAL days of swimming ~AND 100's of trips to Chick Fil A for lunch! I hope that Bryson knows I have tried very hard to make this last Summer as an only child as much fun as it could be! AND I hope he d...

The NERVES have set in!!!!

We went to the doctor last week (since I have graduated to weekly visits) and he didn't seem optimistic that anything would be happening soon. He told us we could go to the beach without worrying whether or not she was coming b/c she showed no signs of coming anytime soon! I have 28 days left and this is the most pregnant I have ever been b/c Bryson came with 29 days left. So I have started thinking that she is hanging in for the long ride and even asked the doctor to not let me go past August 4th b/c last week I was miserable. He kind of laughed and said he would try. Once he calmed my fears that she wasn't falling out, I relaxed a little and had made up my mind that it would probably be August. I have done several of those little lingering things on my to do list this week, but I still have a few things left that I feel need to be done...NOW!!! I must share yesterday's adventure b/c it is going to be ok, but yesterday I sure didn't think so. I got the idea from a fr...

Preeclampsia, you will not win this time!

So today was a fun day, NOT! I had a scheduled 34 week check-up, but I knew that it wasn't going to be a good one....b/c for some odd reason at this stage of pregnancy I cannot control my blood pressure. This is the point with Bryson that my blood pressure went up, proteins went crazy and swelling was HORRIBLE!! 2 weeks ago when I went my top bp number was high, but not too alarming. Well, its not best to tell me this kind of stuff because this is when I tend to freak out as soon as the blood pressure cuff goes near my arm. I have been very cautious and monitoring my swelling, which is pretty much none. My face is a a little puffy, but with Bryson by this point I was a swollen toad...EVERYWHERE! This past weekend we went to TN to visit family and Britan did seem to go very crazy with the change in elevation up the mountain and then back down. I checked my bp yesterday at CVS just so I would know what to expect at the doctor was 136/78, which was down from 2 weeks ago s...

The end is in sight..........MAYBE???

So I have pondered this post all day and I have come to the conclusion that this is the place where venting helps me the most......before I begin you must know that I am VERY GRATEFUL, VERY THANKFUL, AND VERY BLESSED to have this baby girl in my belly, body and mind are so tired! I am pretty certain, at this point, that God knew exactly what was best for us when we lost our other baby in September.....and concluding the school year yesterday makes me believe there was a reason even more! Brooks literally (I am serious) rolled me out of the bed yesterday at 6:30, FORCED me into the shower and COAXED me to the car to finish up my last workday. I now know, there would have been NO WAY that I could have worked for 7 more weeks and continued to function without the assistance of a wheelchair, a midday nap.....and perhaps even a diaper! My intent is to not complain and to not wish this joyous occasion away, but I do want to take a minute to document my day, so ...

A new chapter for the Derting's....bittersweet!

It has been a while since my last post, but you should know that is not because I haven't tried, I have just had a little writer's block lately. Lots of changes happening and lots of activities going on, but nothing that I have been able to write about with good clarity. This last month has brought many new things to our lives.....the 3rd and FINAL trimester for me, the ending of another soccer season for Brooks and the closure of Bryson's preschool career. Some of the things that we have encountered lately make me smile, but others bring tears to my eyes as I type! The last month of this baby and I living together has gotten a little harder....SHE is definitely putting on weight, which.....I guess in turn is putting more on me...and as much as I am trying to LOVE this pregnancy, everyday it becomes a little harder to roll myself out of bed. Things pop from head to toe and walking is like running a 5k ALL UP HILL, but I am not going to dwell on the aches and pains inste...

Spring Break Accomplishments...

Well, today is the last day of the 2011 Spring Break Week for me.....a little sad knowing that I HAVE TO get up in the morning, but knowing its only for 31 more days will somehow make it easier. We have accomplished a lot this week including some much needed (and often required) nap times! We celebrated Good Friday and Easter in NMB....Friday was a day of the Pancake House for lunch, napping and shopping. For some VERY odd reason I NEVER like breakfast food, but recently have had cravings for bacon, eggs, and french toast, weird!!!! Mom and I did some more shopping on Saturday...she is a VERY bad influence on me....and I can only imagine the comment I will get for this statement ;) The Bunny found us at the beach and left lots of goodies for all of us...and over 70 eggs in the yard! Bryson was most impressed by some dinosaur egg that the Grand Bunny found for him (sadly this was probably the cheapest thing the bunny purchased and it had the MOST impact) has now hatched and we ha...

It's been a while!

Hey! How are you? I hope you are doing well! Its been a couple of weeks since I felt the need to write or the need to share my random thoughts and I have been patiently waiting for some sort of inspiration to write and today I found it! As many of you know I am a teacher to students with special needs....and I love my work and the smiles on the many faces I see everyday! Also, as most know, our state is in a state of crisis at this point trying to figure out a way to help the ones that can't balance the budget....the ones making the BIG bucks, who screwed the budget up in the first place! So here is today's dilemma that I am afraid may have more long lasting, negative effects than we are aware of at this moment.....our good ol' state legislatures are continuing to take from my child and yours as well, AGAIN! I am sure that you have heard the news and have figured out by now that CMS is in a much BIGGER debt boat than us here, but those kids and our kids are all suffering...

I tend to overreact......

In case you can't read me like a book....I "guess" that I tend to overreact on some I have stated in recent life has been way more stressful than I like it to be lately...mostly work related (however I am very thankful for my job and it is very rewarding) lately it has just been difficult. I told Brooks Sunday that I was ready to go back to work (after my 3 day weekend)  to continue to tackle the end of year issues. Well, it didn't take but about 15 minutes Monday morning before I wanted to eat my words....I just have felt like (with the exception of day, THANKFULLY) nothing but problems, issues, concerns and needs seemed to walk through the door ALL needing immediate attention.....I am hoping that with my caseload winding down to only 2 left for the year, that I can calm down and not let the little things bring me down. So yesterday I had my monthly checkup and I was anxious, as I always am when I walk through the doors. I have tried to be a ...

A more positive outlook!

In case you don't know me by now...let me share with you....I do not like to be a negative, stressed person and to be honest I feel like I have been for weeks and its starting to drag me down. You probably know that my life is pretty straight forward and neatly laid house is organized and my desk at work is usually cleared. I do realize that this is also known as OCD and maybe its some form of craziness on whatever spectrum you would like to call it. I know these things about me and I know that when they are not this way...I am not the way I should be! I do not do these silly things to make others happy, I do these silly things to make my life less stressful. I make to-do lists so that I can bask in the glory of everything being checked off. I don't do clutter or piles of "stuff" sitting around...everything has a place and reason and it should be in its place or used for its reason!  So there you go...a little background about my silly ways of thinking and m...

I have issues!

So I don't remember with Bryson being a psycho, crazy person and if this is the way I am going to be till August, then I may need to be hospitalized for insanity until this baby comes....b/c I am not sure I will make it or Brooks! I have not had the best week and I really don't want to complain, but I am just to my breaking point, which brings me to today's event.........I had a MAJOR meeting at 8 am with a parent and several other people, so I get to work at 7:37 and a friend tells me that my pants were RIPPED in the back and only continuing to RIP more as I move! Now at this point I have a smile on my face as I type this, but 13 hours ago I was LIVID! 1st of all this are the STUPID maternity jeans that I paid $45 for at Kohls...I already had problems with the jeans b/c the leg inseam is not straight and crosses my foot instead of the side of my leg when I wear them, so they were already CRAP, but I decided since I had washed and worn them I would just keep them and then...