Thursday, December 29, 2011

Life Happens!

WOW! Its been tooo long! I have been trying to write for awhile now, but 2 things have stood in my way....writer's block and life! My last blog way back when was about memories and that is what the Derting's have been doing...making memories.

At this would take days to catch up the past few months, so I will try and hit some highlights.......

Our sweet Britan Rae will be 5 months tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl. She LOVES to eat...everything and anything you put near her mouth, but she still doesn't LOVE to sleep. She is very entertaining at this stage and has met and surpassed many of the developmental milestones for her age. She LOVES her big brother and he is pretty smitten by her as well. We love this sweet, smiley girl that honestly we can't remember life without!!

Our big boy Bryson will be 6 in less than 2 months. Which means party planning has begun at the Derting's! He LOVES school....and I LOVE to see him while I am working!! He seems to be adjusting very well to his new school career and his new sister. Bryson had a speaking part in the Christmas Concert and he actually DID front of LOTS of people! He is definitely coming out of his shell.  We love our handsome young man and we couldn't ask for a better big brother!

Brooks and I have just been running around like always...trying to accomplish my never ending to do list! We were at the beach the other day and he wanted to go look at the Christmas Clearance stuff at Wal~Mart....once we got there I asked him what the big deal was....considering it was 9 pm, he said he just wanted a minute, just the 2 of us, even if was just to Wal~Mart, right across the street, for just 30 minutes ;)

I really wanted to write one more time for the roller coaster of a year 2011......but I hope that once the holidays are over and life settles just a little bit, I will be able to write more. We have lots to be thankful for from this year and we hope that life will continue to happen just the way it is!

I hope that you have had a wonderful few months....I hope Christmas was grand....and that the New Year will be spectacular!

Much love to you until next time, Alysha

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My balloon obsession is tied to memories :)

Life is full of fun, exciting, happy, scary, sad memories...but no matter how they are, they are with you forever. Memories are what make your life and what make you keeping living life so that you can make more.........

Brooks and Bryson asked me this morning, on balloon hunt number 5 out of 6 for the weekend, what my deal is with hot air I started thinking about my answer this afternoon when my camera was full of 239 balloon pictures. Balloons to me mean many cherished childhood memories....memories that make me smile when I think of them and memories that I hope Bryson made today and will smile at one day.........

I have MANY memories of these amazing flying creations..... I remember Wesley and I waking up one Sunday morning to probably 10 balloons taking off in the fields right in our front yard, I cut my hair off in the 5th grade (the shortest it had ever been) at the Balloon Rally, I remember selling Bojangles chicken for a cheerleading fundraiser and tethering that day as well, I remember when they moved the Rally to the fairgrounds (what a mistake), I remember last year when Mom, Bryson and I waited in line to get into to see the balloons when Brooks called to say there was one in our yard, I will never forget last night holding Britan for over an hour to get back on the shuttle bus to get to the car when the moon glow was over....I will not forget today when we chased the last 2 balloons in the air this morning to make magical memories for Bryson....or tonight when Brooks jumped out to help a balloon crew land the basket!

So....why am I obsessed with these things....I think you see why by this point. And I didn't even mention that they look amazing shining in the sky with the Carolina Blue background!

I hope that you are making lasting, cherished memories because they are things that no one can take away and they hopefully bring a smile to your face when you reminisce as I have done today. I also hope that if you didn't see the balloons this weekend that you will next year because it is a beautiful, unforgetable scene.

 Have a FUN, FANTASTIC week! Love You!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My AMAZING Husband!

Today is our 14th "dating" Anniversary!!! I have spent almost 1/2 of my life with a boy named Brooks and I know there is no other person in this world that I am suppose to be with! Last year I wrote about how everything started.... This year since things have change so much for us, I think I should share how AMAZING my husband truly is.....

Two weeks ago he had to go out of town for work and within 2 hours of him leaving.....there was a knock at the door and 6 beautiful red roses waiting on me! I remember the 1st time he went to visit his dad, the 1st summer we were dating, and this same surprise came to the door attached with a black teddy bear! He has always been so thoughtful and he loves to surprise me often with little notes around the house or in my car or a rose every now and then. I know that he loves me no matter how mad I make him. 

I knew that he would be a great husband...or I wouldn't have waited so long to marry him, but I guess I never imagined how good he would be as a daddy. He loves our babies more than he loves me and that says A LOT b/c I am pretty loved by the blue eyed boy! He has always been a great daddy to Bryson and they have lots of fun together, but there is for sure a different twinkle in his eye when he sees Britan. He came up with the idea that he wanted to stay home with her a couple of weeks when I went back to work and he has now decided that he wants to be a stay at home dad. I will admit I have been pretty spoiled the past few weeks coming home to a clean house inside and out, dinner cooked, clothes washed and knowing that Britan has had a fun day with her daddy. 

I am so very thankful for my husband and all that he does although I probably don't say it often enough or show it the way I should, I hope that he knows I would have nothing without him!

God gave me you for the ups and downs...God gave me you for the days of doubt......God gave me you!
Thank you Brooks for our AMAZING life and our BEAUTIFUL babies :) Love you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

The end of September....we meet again!

One year ago, I remember everything so clearly....this is the week that we were suppose to hear our 2nd babies heartbeat and go on one of our usual beach trips. But this time a year ago things changed for us so quickly and it is now amazing for me to be able to reflect and see how far we have come and how happily we have grown!

This time last year, Brooks and I questioned whether or not we would even try to have another baby after the heartache we experienced during our sad September....but we had no idea we would be blessed within 8 short weeks with the answer, our 3rd pregnancy!

The end of this September is so much brighter than the last and we have woken up everyday for the past 9 weeks to this beautiful, smiling little girl, our Britan Rae!

Although we didn't understand then and we still don't know why our 2nd baby wasn't meant to be ours in this lifetime, we are still thankful for the lesson we learned from our pain, but more thankful for the blessings that had yet to come!
So today on this last day of September when last year we were so uncertain of everything around us and tears were the only thing that made sense.....we are so BLESSED AND THANKFUL....that this day, September 30th, now has a different, brighter is Britan's 2 month Birthday :)

Thank you to everyone that has followed this amazing adventure with us, we couldn't be any happier to say good bye to September any other way!!! LOVE, Brooks, Alysha, Bryson and our sweet, well worth the wait, Britan Rae :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our 1 Year Blog Anniversary!

One year ago today I started this writing journey to help heal my broken heart! One year later I continue to write, but for other, happier reasons. I don't have much time today, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has read, commented and listened to our life stories! There is already a blog ready for stay tuned :) Much Love, Alysha

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rest in peace, my dear friend!

Today was not the day I had envisioned...this is my last week home with my sweet baby and I was hoping to just spend time with her and not do too much. However, an early morning phone call changed the plans very quickly and has forced me to look back on my childhood and all the fond membries (memories per Bryson) it holds.

Mom called this morning with the sad news, that many of you have already heard, a good friend was killed last night. This boy has been around since I was 5 and cried everyday for months in kindergarten (that is where Bryson gets it). He referred to me as the girl with dots at the time (b/c of my freckles), but at the time we didn't know we would share so many memories throughout our school years. We would meet (not intentionally) about every Saturday night at Laney's Fish Camp with our families and I am told we would peak over at one another the whole meal. We didn't know then that many years would soon be spent making memories together. Many of you come to mind on this day as I recall....Saturday night football games as the Huskies playing against our rivals the Devils, Hornets and Panthers. Who knew all of our elementary rivals would become some of our closest friends. I also, have many memories of cheerleading "stuff" with my mom and Robin as the coaches and Joey coming to hang out with all of us girls in his Miami Hurricanes jacket. Remember the pullover kind...that all the cool kids wore. I remember a summer when Robin babysat us and we played in the basement for hours. Summers spent on the ball fields and winters spent in the gym for basketball. I have many memories of you and they will never fade.

Today I feel the need to reflect on the good times and pray for the hard ones yet to come. I pray that the whole family will one day find peace in this senseless tragedy. You will be greatly missed, but your life will never be forgotten. You have touched too many lives for anyone to ever forget your name and spirit.

Prayers for the family of Joey Brewer! Prayers that Robin and Tony can come through this without further pain. Prayers for Andrea, sweet Willow, April and the kids! All of our love and prayers to the Brewer's on this sad day! WE LOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Reflux or Colic or Both.....I need help!

We have been told that Britan has reflux, but that there is not a real way to determine this other than doing an xray that would subject her to radiation that could be more harmful to her. I am not convinced its reflux, but I am convinced that something is bothering her and I can't figure it out. We see that she does have some signs of reflux, but some signs like not eating and not gaining weigh she totally doesn't have. She does throw up, mostly for me not as bad for Brooks.
I have researched colic too and I have to admit she doesn't cry for hours on end, but she doesn't sleep for long periods without fussing either. Pretty much everything it says to do for a baby with colic, she loves...she loves to move constantly, loves her paci, loves white noise, to be swaddled. Also, I have found colic babies are good eaters and gain weigh unlike reflux babies which she is for sure gaining.
We are now on Zantac and have been for 3 days, but at this point I can't say its helped too seems like we have a good day and then a bad was bad, so hopefully tomorrow will be a good one. I should mention she has hiccups all the time after she eats...which from what I have read could be either!
I am seeking any information you may have about either of these things to help us determine what is going on in her little belly! Thanks in advance for any advice, stories, or thoughts.....Very Tired, Alysha

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will this whirlwind ever end.............?????????

I am not even sure where to begin...but be advised this will be long because I have a lot that I need to jot in 5 months this will all be cherished  memories. Hold on for the ride because I am going to go back 3 weeks ago, which feels like 3 months ago and try to catch up on my crazy life!!!!!

The week Britan came home my mom was here and things seemed to be crazy, but I was hopeful that life would settle quickly....I am still waiting, but I have to say that today may be that turning point. That week many other family and friends came by to see our baby piglet, but honestly at this point I can't remember everyone so I will leave it at that. Britan's 1st weekend adventure consisted of school shopping for Bryson, signing Bryson up for soccer and a new laptop for us (this should be noted....for some reason this new computer doesn't automatically tell me if I have misspelled something, so if you find misspelled words, bad grammar, wrong punctuation...please know my sleep these day is about 3-4 hours a day and right now my brain can not handle proper English...maybe one day soon????). Britan's 2nd week Brooks' dad and family came to meet our sweet we did some catching up with them while the kids played. This week is when our little girl decided that getting up every hour of the day was going to be her style even we tried to disagree. Her 2nd weekend we went to the beach, so her uncles could meet her and to celebrate my 30th Birthday!!! I kept telling everyone that I wanted a 30th surprise party like Brooks had last year (I was only kidding when I made this joke) so since we were at the beach my mom decided my 30th surprise bday party would be celebrated at the new Pirate's Voyage (the old Dixie Stampede) with 1,000's of attendants (maybe it was 100's)......I did get a Birthday shout out in front of the the party was a success. Bryson loved the show and the food was great and Britan was named the youngest pirate to my party was a FUN even if all those people had no clue who I was. Last week is kind of a blur at this bday was on Wednesday and my sweet boys got me a birthstone bracelet with all of our families birthstones and they even got Britan her 1st pair of diamond earrings (still trying to decide when to get her ears pierced). We went out for lunch that day and Brooks watched Britan while Bryson and I went for a much needed swim. AND we will celebrate my bday again over Spring Break when Britan is old enough to take a ride on the BIG BOAT to the Bahamas as long as Irene doesn't destroy the Island!!!!!! Friday night we went to Kobes with my dad to celebrate mine and Brooks' Birthdays. Saturday morning we put the 30 $1 bills, the Deane's kindly gave me for my bday, to good use by yard saleing!!! Brooks for some reason has become fascinated with yard sales and what great deals he can find....which this past weekend was a pretty good one...Brooks, Bryson and myself are now the proud owners of our own sets of golf clubs aka Brooks' new hobby! Keep in mind my sweet girl still is not sleeping at this point....we are up several times a night and she can't seem to get comfortable in her sleep....unless its during the day....that sums up the past 3 onto this very important week.........

Monday the kids and I (kids still sounds weird to me) went to Hickory to find me some clothes that fit (fit for now, but hopefully not for long) and Britan was so good and Bryson was the BEST helper. So Tuesday I thought I would try it again and we went to the Statesville Mall just to find me a shirt.....MISTAKE! I ended up feeding Britan in the dressing room and she continued to cry while I tried to check out all while all the rude people stared.....maybe its the Statesville Belk Store that I should avoid...there is always someone being rude in there! That afternoon, we on the East Coast, experienced an earthquake....and I will admit how blonde I really am....Bryson and I were watching iCarly and they had some huge instrument that they made and it was shaking and singing all at once...and then the house started shaking....I thought wow, that is strange the house is shaking in beat with the instrument on TV...I know that's bad! We then got ready and went to Open House for my baby (BIG) boy to meet his teachers and introduce his sister to all of my SP family. Thankfully I was a little distracted by all of the attention on Britan that I didn't focus too much on the fact that Bryson is actually starting his school career and there is not turning back from here!

Yesterday, Britan had a doctor's appointment with a new doctor at 9 am, so I got up with Brooks and got everyone ready and was even 15 minutes early (I was impressed). When I was getting little miss dressed I noticed this weird new noise...kind of a scary noise...kind of gasping. She did it a couple of times and then stopped so I didn't think too much about it. When we got to the doctor I took her clothes off to see how much she weighed and she started the noise again by this point I was about to freak out, but I was thankful we were at the doctor. Piglet weighed in at 10lbs!!!!! and 22 inches long, so she is for sure eating and growing. The doctor came in during her new noise and said that it could be narrowing of the I stood there trying not to freak out while he checked her and I explained our experience at the hospital...they said she had an episode of reflux, they "thought" and wanted to put her on we did that for a week and then went back for a checkup and we were told to discontinue the meds...still with no really reason or explanation as to whether it was for sure reflux or not. I have read 100 things on the Internet and she does have some of the signs, but not all and not all of the time. So the new doctor checked her oxygen level (scared me terribly) said he thought she should be back on the meds and to come back in a I ran home...calling Brooks crying because something could be seriously wrong with her breathing if its not reflux...I told him I needed him to come home, so thankfully he did. I gave her her meds right away and tried to figure out if this is reflux or some other more serious issue. She has now been back on it for 24 hours and she still seems fussy, but the weird noise has not been back since yesterday, so I pray that we are in the process of fixing that problem. Also, I should note that she has gone to bed at midnight the past 4 days, gotten up at 2ish and 5ish and then sleeping till after 8, so I am hopeful that she is in the process of finding a new routine and that maybe soon with this reflux thing being the diagnosis she will work her way into only one time a night!! I had planned on having a fun, last day with Bryson, but it was more so filled with tears and fears of what could be wrong with our perfect little girl!

So here we are (finally is what I am sure you are thinking) August 25th, 2011 Bryson's 1st day of Kindergarten!!!!!! I still really believe God knew exactly what he was doing last year this time when we lost our other baby....he knew that I needed to be a mom and not a teacher for Bryson's 1st few weeks of school. He knew that Bryson and I both needed time to adjust to our new lives without one another. Today would not have been so hard for me if I had been at work, but I think it made him stronger doing this new BIG thing on his own!! SO the only tears that I have shed today (except for right now) were when I got him up this morning and realized his life is forever changed with this new day! We got him up early and had breakfast as a family of 4 and then took him off to Kindergarten!! He made sure to whisper in his sister's ear that he was going to school today because deep down I think he was excited to see what was in store for him! We were the 3rd ones in the room and the 1st ones to leave with a hug, a kiss, a smile and a wave good bye from our sweet boy! I am very anxious to pick him up, but I am sure his day has been excellent!

That pretty much sums up the chaos I feel that I have been trying to survive the past few weeks....Brooks said this morning he feels like he has accomplished nothing at work and that he is barely treading water...and I feel the exact same way! And y'all know that I don't survive well on chaos!!!!!! I have to say anyone with more than one my hero...because it was way more than I ever much as I tried to mind, body and house were in no way prepared for our new life.....although I wouldn't change it for the world!!! OKAY! I am DONE! I have to go pick up a school boy ;) Sorry again its so long, but I really needed this moment to myself!!!! Hope you all are well and if your babies went to school today, I hope it was a GREAT day for them and you! Hopefully I will be back soon because hopefully life is slowing down into some sort of routine......Much Love To YOU :) Alysha

PS: To those that I haven't returned emails, text messages or phone calls to....I am sorry and I am still in the process of sending thank you cards to many of hold on it will be there soon!!! Please know that I appreciate everything that everyone has done....I just haven't been able to show it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The day the world got the sweetest little girl: Introducing our Britan Rae all have done it again! We are once again reminded how much we are loved by all of the prayers, calls, texts, FB messages, visits, gifts...etc! We would like to thank each of you for taking this year long journey with us and we would like to share our sweet little girls entrance into the world with you.

From yesterdays post you know that we had planned on being induced yesterday, August 2nd, but our little piglet decided she wanted to pick her Birthday and she did not want to share the month of August with her mom or dad!! We had BIG plans for our last weekend as the 3 of us and most events revolved around Bryson...I even told him on Friday, after we saw the Smurfs, he got his favorite place for lunch (Chick Fil A), and then raced slot cars with his daddy, that this was the last weekend all about him. Saturday we were going to finally due my belly cast (which I am kind of sad that didn't happen), Brooks and Bryson were going fishing and Sunday we were having Sunday cinnamon rolls, going for a swim, grilling out and spending time with Bryson.....not in Britan's plans!!!!

Saturday about 6 am I felt something weird, but managed to go back to sleep till 7ish and then I felt it again....this time a little harder. About 7:30 I told Brooks that I should get up and get ready b/c I thought we might be making a trip to the hospital, but I took my time, took a shower, did my hair and between all of this, these weird feelings kept coming about every 7 minutes.....I called mom and told her not to come yet, but not to go to the beach...just be ready IN CASE this is not a fire drill. About 8 I called my dad to see if Bryson could hang out with him for the day IN CASE we were going to the hospital. Daddy came and got him shortly after, Brooks vacuumed the house, I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and we washed 2 loads of about 9ish we decided we should put the final things in the car considering every 3-4 minutes these pains were still coming. The house was clean, we were both ready, so about 9:45 we stopped by the Chick Fil A and got soon as we ordered mine...I decided I probably shouldn't eat it b/c I was probably having a baby today...this time the CONTRACTIONS were 1-2 minutes a part and I had to stop in the parking lot of the hospital to let it ease off before checking in. We checked in about 10 am and by 10:15 I was not a very nice person anymore....I was 7 cm and in LOTS of pain about 15 minutes later my water broke and Brooks about lost his ears while they tried inserting the epidural TWICE before it finally went in 11am I was 9 1/2 cm...but the epidural had started to kick in, so I was calm and back to being a little nicer to Brooks. I was so calm that we had to wait another 3 hours before I even tried to push b/c I was pretty numb! By 2:19 pm Britan was here and she looked PERFECT, she scored a 9 on the Apgar scale she measured 20 inches long and her weight was not correct, but they documented it as 7 lbs 3 oz (we later found out that was one of the MANY mistakes that Iredell made).

Our little girl was doing great and we were even told that we would go home in 24 hours....that didn't happen due to other mistakes that the hospital made, but I have voiced my concerns and the 13 issues with the director of the Birth Place at Iredell and although that doesn't make the experience any better or change the fact that we have no idea how much Britan actually weighed at birth that is all I can do.

We did make a few memories while we waited impatiently to be released....Amber Wallace took some amazing pictures for Britan's 1st photo shoot when she was less than a day old and Lisa Cash from Unique Designs came to do a little pottery with our sweet girl and her long ski feet for her stork visit!! We would like to thank them both very much for taking part in such a special day in our lives and thank you for making memories that will last FOREVER!!!! We love you both!!

Once we were FINALLY released Monday morning we came home to a VERY excited big brother and Gays (my mom for those who don't know that is what Bryson calls her). Thankfully Gays was more than willing to watch our sweet girl while Brooks and I slept for a couple of hours. By late afternoon we were all ready and we went to Hickory for Britan's 1st trip to the Olive Garden....yep 2 days old and out and about.....I have learned and maybe that is why I don't sit still, that life does not wait on you and if you don't use your time wisely, you loose precious moments!! SO YES WE WENT OUT AND EXPLORED THE WORLD!!! We even stopped by Wal Mart to grab a cake mix and some root cover up for my hair that looked ridiculous!

Tuesday mom fixed my hair and then we had Village Inn for lunch before she headed home. Bryson had a t ball party at the Y last night and was very eager to show off his new sister, so we attended that as well before coming home. Little Miss is more like her mom than her dad and brother when it comes to going to bed early the 2 of us stayed up till 1 am.

Today Brooks took the big brother and his friend to the free movies and Britan and I met them for lunch. Oh I should mention that she is already a Daddy's can see him melt when he has her. He was very anxious to show her off at his work, so that was our afternoon adventure. Brooks is now at soccer and I did have a little meltdown a while ago when I was carrying, a screaming Britan up the stairs to have her diaper changed and Bryson came running with us when he tripped going up the stairs onto his face and came up holding his nose...I knew I was going to see blood, but thankfully there was no blood, but plenty of tears....we are now all ok, but I have to say I was worried for a moment!!!

Britan is AMAZING & WE ARE ALL VERY IN LOVE WITH HER SO MUCH!!!!! A few interesting facts that we have learned so far.......we don't really know how much she weighted at birth because they told us 7lbs 3 oz, but Sunday according to her chart she weighed 7 lbs 12 oz, we all know that you don't gain that much so quickly and when she was released she weighed 7 lbs 9 oz, so it is a little disheartening that we don't have such an important piece of information, but we can't change that now..........we have also learned that this little piggy LOVES to eat...she is a good pooper, a decent sleeper and OVERALL COMPLETELY PERFECT!!!!!!

Again we would like thank EVERYONE for taking this wonderful journey with us!!!! Thanks to our families for the support and my mom for taking care of Bryson and putting approximately 1,000 legos together while we spent our couple of nights in the hospital!!! I am sure that I have left out some other important things, but for now that should be enough about the last 4 days of the new Derting life!!! THANKS AND LOVE to each of you!!!!!!!!!! The very blessed, Derting's Brooks, Alysha, Bryson and Britan <3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My pregnancy journal!

Well I am starting this a little late, but better late than never.....

Week 22: Miss Britan you are giving your mom a hard time these days....MAJOR, middle of the night, leg cramps that cause pain for days that follow. Also, this is the week that we found out that I may have a "short" cervix :( I am thankfully for everyday that you are growing in my belly and I pray that you continue to grow stronger for many more weeks to come....although we are very ANXIOUS to meet you right now!

The end of week 23: Oh my Miss Britan you are becoming quite a KICKER! I love when you kick b/c it reassures me that you are ok and growing as you should! I like to lay in the bed and shake my belly b/c you kick like crazy, as if your yelling STOP! Tomorrow is week 24, so we are getting there!!

Week 24: Came and went and I forgot to write.....

Week 25: We got to see Britan this week and she looked happy and healthy and JUST like her brother! I had my wonderful diabetes test this week....the lady stuck my hand and it still hurts! Went back to the Y this week since everything from the u/s looked good and it felt great! I have gained 13lbs thus far and knowing that she is 2 of those pounds makes me :)

Week 26: We registered at Babies R Us this week and are excited to have a shower in the coming weeks.

Week 27: Mom and I went on our annual Mother's Day trip this week and we can't wait till you get to go with us next year.......we ate way toooooo much food and I think I walked SEVERAL thousand miles, but you did great!

Week 28: Bryson and I went to the doctor to hear you this week and it was confirmed that your hiney is the hard spot pushing underneath my ribs and your head is down and ready to go as long as you don't turn!

Week 29: I am starting to freak out a little bit when I think about the fact that you will be with us in 11 more weeks, I can't believe how fast time is going and I only hope that you are as excited to see us as we are you!!!

Week 30: 10 WEEKS LEFT!!!!  We traveled to the beach for the Memorial Day Weekend! Britan seemed to like the sunshine on my belly at the beach! Riding and the heat....not as much fun!!

Week 31: Britan and I are home alone for the weekend...Brooks and Bryson are on a camping trip (Bryson's 1st) and I will be enjoying some peace, quite and a MASSAGE!

Week 32: I have found a new obsession this week.....Pet Birthday Cake Ice Cream! It's Amazing, if you haven't tried it :) Went to the doctor this week and I gained 1lb and the top number of my blood pressure is creeping up, so hopefully that will stop before the next time I go check-up 2 weeks then it will start the weekly visits....time is ticking and she is coming soon! Also, Bryson did the hospital tour this week and he really liked feeding and changing the "baby" so we will see how long that lasts! Busy, but excellent week :)

Week 33: I am off work for the SUMMER...THANKFULLY!! We traveled to TN to visit family this weekend and Britan was not a fan of the elevation change. I had a check up this week and got to take a trip to the hospital thanks to my lovely blood pressure, but everything checked out and Britan seemed to be fine and still VERY ACTIVE!

Week 34: We had a baby shower this weekend and pretty much have everything we need EXCEPT for a baby!!! Britan is already a very spoiled and loved little girl and we can't wait to meet her. I am really struggling these days walking and sleeping are becoming more and more difficult since little miss is obviously ready for her departure. Another doctor at the end of the week, so hopefully we will know how ready she really is!!

Week 35: We have had a good week...went to the beach for the last time without Little Miss in our presences. I feel better this week than last!!!

Week 36: Britan is making progress....we had our weekly checkup and I am 2 cm. So I am hopeful that she will be here soon!!! Everything is ready at this point....the car seat needs to be installed in the car, but its in the car, so we are ready for a baby!!!! I went to buy Bryson's gift from Britan on Saturday, while the boys were in Mville and I came home to a 4 foot black snake crawling across the den floor....I screamed to the tops of my lungs and ran back outside! I called Brooks and urged him to get home NOW, then I waited frantically in the Ingles parking lot CRYING my eyes out till I saw him go by. He found Mr. Blacky hiding in the corner! Needless to say if that didn't start labor, I am not sure what will......................

Week 37: Weekly doctor appt.....NO MORE signs of PROGRESS :( Funny I wasn't optimistic at all last week and I was a 2 and this week I was very optimistic and nothing! I do however, have a virus that has made me sick to my stomach and has caused fluid in my ears creating an annoying ringing sound! On Sunday we went for a mile walk on a wooded walking trail and encountered 2 more snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brooks thinks they were cotton mouths YUCK! So I am done with this stupid snake business....It's Monday and Bryson and I are moving ahead with our weekly routines....swimming, lunch, and naps...until Britan decides to join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Week 38: Well this week start out with a practice run...Thursday night I had constant contractions for a couple of hours, but they didn't amount to labor....the did amount to mom coming up from the beach (another post is dedicated to this story). We waited patiently all weekend thinking that this could be the weekend, but no luck and no more contractions.

Week 39: NEVER thought I would see this week, but here we are.....went to the doctor yesterday and if Miss Britan doesn't come on her own in the next 5 days, she will have a Birthday of August 2nd!!! I had said this date way back in the beginning, but then I began thinking and hoping it would be before then...but it looks like it may come true!!! So there should not be a Week 40 post because we should have a baby by then!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 2:19 pm we welcomed Miss Britan Rae Derting into the world.....her entrance and 1st few days will be shared tomorrow!! Love to you all :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Fire Drill...Practice Run!

This is going to be a funny story someday, so it is so worth documenting, but will not be shared till Britan decides to enter the world. SO here we go........

Thursday, July 21st, the 2nd hottest day of the Summer and I am 38 weeks pregnant on this day. By this point I thought that I would have a baby considering Bryson was already 2 weeks old when I was suppose to be 38 weeks pregnant with him. However, at this moment Little Miss is not making much effort to meet her family! On this day, I had a couple more things I wanted to mark off the "to do list", surprising I know, I really wanted to go to this baby sale in Charlotte and attend Bryson's last t ball game of the season. All week I kept thinking....I am bored out of mind and the day that I have plans to do something then she is going to come...........

Well, Bryson and I got up early on this Thursday, got ready and waited for a friend that was going to ride with me to Charlotte just in case I went into labor I would have someone other than my 5 year old to drive me home. So we made it to the sale and made it home by lunch time. Bryson and I had an afternoon nap and we waited for Brooks so we could go to the t ball game.....that afternoon though something didn't feel the same and by the time we left for the game, I was for sure having constant CONTRACTIONS!!!!!!! My dad came to the game, so I sat there through each of them acting as if nothing was wrong b/c he is a bit of a worrier (like me) and I didn't want to worry I sat there having contractions about every 5 minutes..not much pain, just something for sure going on! Bryson's friend asked us to go to dinner at Laney's Fish Camp and I really didn't care at that point if I was in labor or not b/c I wanted one last GOOD meal before Britan's BIG being the crazy person I am convinced Brooks I was fine and we went to eat with the Gaither's.

On our way (another 20 mins further from home and the hospital) I called my mom b/c the plan was when its time, she was to jump in the car and get here as fast as she could to take care of Bryson. Everyday that I talked to her for the past week...her 1st question has been "any pains" well this time...the answer was YES....I don't think she took me seriously at 1st, but she quickly realized it wasn't a joke! She proceeded to tell me that she would be on her way as soon as she dropped my 17 year old brother, Lane, off at the Emergency Room b/c they thought he had broken his hand......For those that know him, this is not a big shocker that he was going to the ER b/c he has made several trips in his lifetime for various reasons, but this one was a funny (now) reason....he works at Sonic, as a cook, but he decided that he wanted learn to roller skate, so he was practicing across 17 in NMB. Those who don't know what this is the largest highway in the beach area....lots of traffic....well on his adventure as he got to the sidewalk he tripped and fell and broke his hand!! dropped him off at the ER, had my other brother go and pick him up and headed for Statesville about 10pm on this lovely Thursday!

By the time mom was 1/2 way and we had eaten dinner.....Miss Britan decided she didn't really want to come out and the contractions that lasted for a couple of hours at 5 minutes apart had subsided. Mom got here at 2:45 one knew she was coming and no one still knows that she was here, unless they saw us out. Friday rolls around and still nothing from Britan, so we got ready and went walked the Statesville Mall (that should tell you how desperate I was to get her out)....then we got pineapple juice and raspberry tea (2 things we were told that would start labor)...we went home for a bit and I drink both of the juices...then we went to Hickory for some Mexican food (another supposed labor inducer) and walked around the Hickory Mall. So by 8 I was exhausted, BUT still nothing.

Saturday has come and is quickly going and there is still NO sign that this baby is coming out! Mom went home today to check on my brothers and wait for the next call...when we will hopefully be in LABOR! I have re-cleaned the house today...mopped, vacuumed, cleaned walls, washed all the clothes and still NOTHING! I am hopeful that one day SOON we will have a baby and I will be able to laugh about this crazy story, but for the time being....I will continue to wonder if Britan is ever coming OUT!!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Documenting Summer 2011

Well....while we are waiting....we have been accomplishing many things for the exciting Summer of 2011! I am thankful that I can say I feel like I have accomplished everything I had intended with Bryson for the Summer. I had this idea in my head that we needed to do as much fun stuff together before Britan comes so that I don't feel guilty once she gets here and life becomes a little more complicated. So here are some of the highlights for the Summer thus far:

~Cars 2!
~Bryson's 1st season of t ball
~A mini vacation to Knoxville, TN with the Derting's
~A visit to the Chuckie Cheese and Fun Station: Double check!
~Trips to the beach included the 4th of July, which I questioned whether or not would happen
~Painting at Unique Designs
~FREE movie Tuesday's
~SEVERAL days of swimming
~AND 100's of trips to Chick Fil A for lunch!

I hope that Bryson knows I have tried very hard to make this last Summer as an only child as much fun as it could be! AND I hope he doesn't act like me when I was his age and my lovely brother, Wesley, came along......I was very angry with my mother and I wanted to send him back to where ever he came from (sometimes I still do...ha ha). Hopefully, he is prepared for the changes coming his way at least as much as I know how to prepare him for his sister!

There are also, other things that should be noted as accomplishments......the dogs had a bath today and then the 3 of us had a water hose fight....Brooks and Bryson BETTER be glad I wasn't able to participate in a normal fashion (I am a little sidelined these days)...or they both would have gone down! The Summer to do list has made its way to the trash...which means windows are cleaned, curtains are washed, closets, drawers and cabinets are all organized and behind the couches are dust free! After my little incident with the house intruder on Saturday (the black snake that somehow found its way into the house)...the car seat is in the car, Bryson's gift from Britan is purchased and wrapped, and the bags are packed and ready to be picked up for their next trip....the hospital!

I hope you are enjoying the Summer HEAT as much as I am...NOT and I hope that you and your family have been able to make many memories to cherish forever as we have! Enjoy your upcoming weekend and stay cool :) Love and Lots of Fun to You, Alysha

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The NERVES have set in!!!!

We went to the doctor last week (since I have graduated to weekly visits) and he didn't seem optimistic that anything would be happening soon. He told us we could go to the beach without worrying whether or not she was coming b/c she showed no signs of coming anytime soon! I have 28 days left and this is the most pregnant I have ever been b/c Bryson came with 29 days left. So I have started thinking that she is hanging in for the long ride and even asked the doctor to not let me go past August 4th b/c last week I was miserable. He kind of laughed and said he would try. Once he calmed my fears that she wasn't falling out, I relaxed a little and had made up my mind that it would probably be August.

I have done several of those little lingering things on my to do list this week, but I still have a few things left that I feel need to be done...NOW!!! I must share yesterday's adventure b/c it is going to be ok, but yesterday I sure didn't think so. I got the idea from a friend to put Britan's initials/name on her car seat canopy and stroller...just b/c I am in LOVE with embroidery these days. So Bryson and I got up early (7:30....that's pretty early for summer vaca) got ready and went to Hickory to run a few errands and have Lids, the hat store, complete the embroidery project. There was a young boy working which worried me a little, but he took his time and lined everything up to show me how it would look and said come back in 30 minutes. So we ran a few more errands and went back to see him finishing up the car seat canopy and it looked GREAT. I was very happy b/c honestly I stayed up the night before till 3worrying about this project. I know that seems crazy, but my mind is in overdrive about the silliest things and I can't make it STOP....Anyways back to the Lids Boy, he went and got the stroller cover and he was very proud of his work and I was too. We came home...I was very excited about a nap, but 1st I had to see what the pieces looked like on the stroller and seat.  The car seat looked great and the stroller cover was pretty, but pretty UPSIDE DOWN :(  So I freaked out (go figure) and started calling around to see who could fix this mess....I know this is not a huge deal in the real world, but it seemed HUGE to me. I worked for 3 hours with a seam ripper to get it out, so that I didn't have to pay for someone else to remove it. SO the nap I wanted didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I took it today to another place and they are going to fix it by next week.

This morning I walked a mile and went to the CVS, which is my new hang out, to take my blood pressure to document it for the doctor, so that he knows I am fine unless I am in his office. I got to the office early and they had me lay on my left side to see how my bp would be and it was ok, but still a little high, but still no other symptoms of preeclampsia. The doctor came in and laughed at my belly b/c it still has the impression of the American Flag we painted on it Sunday b/c face paint is not a good sunscreen for those who didn't know that. THEN he said I was a 2...............OMG...............are you serious...........last week nothing and now a 2! Last time I was a 2 I had a baby the next day. He said he "thinks" he will see us next week, but to have everything ready just in case. WOW....I had my mind set on August after last week and now anytime! Ok, so then Bryson comes to mind and what in the world is he going to he ready for this? are we ready for this? OMG...this is really happening!!!!!!! I still have, what feels like, a million things to do.

I should probably stop typing and start doing something a little more productive, but I wanted to jot down a few things before Britan makes her grand entrance!! Thanks for reading, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we await our new journey to begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps my next post will be about a baby girl that came into the world pain like 5 minutes....I can hope, right?!?!?!? :) Till next time.....Brooks, Alysha, Bryson and AWAITING BRITAN!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preeclampsia, you will not win this time!

So today was a fun day, NOT! I had a scheduled 34 week check-up, but I knew that it wasn't going to be a good one....b/c for some odd reason at this stage of pregnancy I cannot control my blood pressure. This is the point with Bryson that my blood pressure went up, proteins went crazy and swelling was HORRIBLE!! 2 weeks ago when I went my top bp number was high, but not too alarming. Well, its not best to tell me this kind of stuff because this is when I tend to freak out as soon as the blood pressure cuff goes near my arm. I have been very cautious and monitoring my swelling, which is pretty much none. My face is a a little puffy, but with Bryson by this point I was a swollen toad...EVERYWHERE!

This past weekend we went to TN to visit family and Britan did seem to go very crazy with the change in elevation up the mountain and then back down. I checked my bp yesterday at CVS just so I would know what to expect at the doctor was 136/78, which was down from 2 weeks ago so I felt ok about today. I had nightmares last night about stupid blood pressure, so I woke up a little nervous about the appointment, but got ready and went in trying to calm my nerves the whole time. Weight was a little high and I had to wait a few extra minutes for the nurse to take my blood pressure and I could feel my heart racing! The nurse asked if I was excited about something as she was taking it and I knew wasn't good....AGAIN!

She told me to lay on my left side and wait for the doctor. My bp was 141/98, which this is the 1st time the bottom number has been high, but I still SWEAR its b/c that stupid cuff FREAKS me out! Doctor came in, checked Britan's heartbeat and said I was going to the hospital....are you serious!?!?!?!??!?!??!?! Not again, please!!!!!!!!!!! I tried REAL hard not to cry and act crazy since I had Bryson with me. I called Brooks and he seemed shocked that I was already out of the office, probably b/c I was there maybe 15 mins and then sent on my way to the hospital. I told him (as I did 5 1/2 years ago) that we were going to the hospital! Not the best day for him to take off considering he was in charge at work today and the rest of the week, but he came to my rescue as always!

We dropped Bryson off with Brooks' mom and off we went to check into the hospital. So we got to hear Britan's heartbeat for about 30 mins, I got to give some of my blood away, and we were cleared within an hour to go home! THANKFULLY!!!!!!!! Everything looked and sounded good, just the dumb blood pressure! I know that this is already a predetermined problem for me b/c both of my parents are on meds to control theirs, but I just wish it would not have such a crappy effect on my pregnancy!!!

So my new more salt, continue to exercise (did a mile and 1/2 tonight), drink more water (if that is possible), and try as hard as I can to overcome my fear of the dreaded blood pressure machine!

Thanks for the prayers, support, love, and positive comments!!! Love to you all!!!!! Alysha :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The end is in sight..........MAYBE???

So I have pondered this post all day and I have come to the conclusion that this is the place where venting helps me the most......before I begin you must know that I am VERY GRATEFUL, VERY THANKFUL, AND VERY BLESSED to have this baby girl in my belly, body and mind are so tired!

I am pretty certain, at this point, that God knew exactly what was best for us when we lost our other baby in September.....and concluding the school year yesterday makes me believe there was a reason even more! Brooks literally (I am serious) rolled me out of the bed yesterday at 6:30, FORCED me into the shower and COAXED me to the car to finish up my last workday. I now know, there would have been NO WAY that I could have worked for 7 more weeks and continued to function without the assistance of a wheelchair, a midday nap.....and perhaps even a diaper!

My intent is to not complain and to not wish this joyous occasion away, but I do want to take a minute to document my day, so that in a few weeks when I have a precious baby in my arms I can look back at this and know the the pay off was WAY WORTH THE PAIN!

We will start with yesterday when I got off of work....came home took my, MUST HAVE, 2 hour nap. Now these naps are the BEST sleep I get these days, they are in the middle of the day, on the couch, comfortably on my side with Bryson and his cartoons in the background. So I knew when I fell fast asleep it would be another late night for me. I got up managed to do a few things (and they were just a few) and went to bed at just because I went to bed DOES NOT  mean I went to sleep b/c you see it is very hard for some reason to fall asleep at NIGHT these days. I know what you are thinking, that is my body preparing for late night feedings and midnight diaper changes, but I LOVE SLEEP and I promise I will meet all the needs Britan has once she arrives, but tossing and turning and going to the bathroom 4 times in 30 minutes is really getting OLD! Brooks is next to me sleeping peacefully, telling me to turn the TV off, and go to sleep for at least 2 hours before my body even gets close to comfortable to consider going to sleep and once it does.....then I get up at least 5 times to visit the bathroom and turn down the thermostat! I am being totally honest when I say I DO NOT REMEMBER ANY OF THIS WITH BRYSON. I am not sure if it is one of those bad memories that you block out, I am not sure if it is because he was a winter baby and we are in the HEAT of summer, I am not sure if its b/c this is as BIG as this body has ever been....or could it be that 5 1/2 years older makes a HUGE difference....I don't know there are endless reasons, obviously!

So this morning, this glorious morning, there was no 6:30 rising for me......9 am did some good or at least I thought until I was back on the couch by Noon for my afternoon nap! So I forced myself up around 2 to do some things around the house and get ready for an excellent photo shoot with Amber Wallace :) I got up washed a load of clothes and needed ANOTHER break! The little things that use to take minutes to accomplish now take HOURS due the need for rest and trying to get rid of the Braxton Hicks Contractions. I am confident that the end product is SO WORTH all of this uncomfortableness.

So.........Here's to another 7, wonderful, weeks of not sleeping, using a roll of toilet paper a day, and literally waddling as I walk! Again, please, note I am thankful for this blessing....I just wish that Brooks could share in the glory a little bit (perhaps a baby belly or something pushing on his bladder ALL day long), I wish that I would be as carefree and clueless as I was with Bryson, I wish the weather would stay like this all summer and I wish there was a pool in the backyard to help these last few weeks pass with a little more comfort!

Thanks for letting me vent.....I really needed it! Hopefully, tomorrow I will be full of energy!!! I hope that you have started out your SUMMER 2011 on a positive note and that you have many FUN and EXCITING things to look forward to as we do!!! Have a GREAT weekend and STAY COOL!!!!

Much love for not judging my negativity, Alysha

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A new chapter for the Derting's....bittersweet!

It has been a while since my last post, but you should know that is not because I haven't tried, I have just had a little writer's block lately. Lots of changes happening and lots of activities going on, but nothing that I have been able to write about with good clarity.

This last month has brought many new things to our lives.....the 3rd and FINAL trimester for me, the ending of another soccer season for Brooks and the closure of Bryson's preschool career. Some of the things that we have encountered lately make me smile, but others bring tears to my eyes as I type!

The last month of this baby and I living together has gotten a little harder....SHE is definitely putting on weight, which.....I guess in turn is putting more on me...and as much as I am trying to LOVE this pregnancy, everyday it becomes a little harder to roll myself out of bed. Things pop from head to toe and walking is like running a 5k ALL UP HILL, but I am not going to dwell on the aches and pains instead I will be grateful and thankful that she is still in, still growing, and I can still feel her kicking as I speak! 9 more weekends is all we have left (maybe less) until this spoiled (already) little girl enters the world to meet her family :) Time is starting to fly and I am starting to become more anxious!!!!

My emotions are obviously in overdrive and Friday was proof! Friday was a HUGE milestone in Bryson's life and though he doesn't realize it now, it will never be the same for many reasons......Preschool ended on Friday and I cried my eyes out from the time I got up till mid afternoon. We went to McDonald's for breakfast and I cried so much there, that the picture we took is not worth posting...I cried on the way to work and after administering an EOG and then somehow pulled myself together for a couple of hours and then I went to pick him up and I lost it again in front of everyone! I am not sure why this happy milestone in his life had such a powerful impact on me, but I have not been able to look at his memory book his teacher made in fear that I may cry some more! He was very brave and even told me that it would be okay b/c we would see his friends again.....but of course him trying to comfort me only made me cry more! I am very thankful for all of the teachers and friends he has made over the past 3 (short) years of preschool and I can only hope that the rest of his school career will be as positive! Thank you for all you have done for my baby boy at Monticello Methodist Weekday School!!!! Although we will not be there next year....Britan will be there in a couple of years!!!

We have done some traveling this month and made some good memories as the 3 of us in preparation for us to become 4. Mom and I took our annual Mother's Day trip to TN....we went to Tanglewood and took some more pics of my growing belly and we journeyed to the beach this weekend....We have had a busy month and June looks just as packed with our 6th Anniversary coming up, another beach trip, a Derting reunion in TN and......oh a VERY important thing.........the ending of my 7th teaching year!

We are very excited to see what the future will bring for all of us with the many changes coming our way. I hope that you have had a fun start to SUMMER 2011!!! Enjoy your time off (if you have tomorrow off) and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY to all of the military people out there past, present, and future including my brother, Wesley! It is because of you we can enjoy another day of freedom!

Much Love and Summer Fun, Alysha

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break Accomplishments...

Well, today is the last day of the 2011 Spring Break Week for me.....a little sad knowing that I HAVE TO get up in the morning, but knowing its only for 31 more days will somehow make it easier. We have accomplished a lot this week including some much needed (and often required) nap times!

We celebrated Good Friday and Easter in NMB....Friday was a day of the Pancake House for lunch, napping and shopping. For some VERY odd reason I NEVER like breakfast food, but recently have had cravings for bacon, eggs, and french toast, weird!!!! Mom and I did some more shopping on Saturday...she is a VERY bad influence on me....and I can only imagine the comment I will get for this statement ;) The Bunny found us at the beach and left lots of goodies for all of us...and over 70 eggs in the yard! Bryson was most impressed by some dinosaur egg that the Grand Bunny found for him (sadly this was probably the cheapest thing the bunny purchased and it had the MOST impact) has now hatched and we have a dinosaur named Tyler living with us. We had an excellent Easter lunch and then packed up and headed home.

Monday brought CLEANING.....UP AND OUT! I had many cleaning goals for the week and they are about 90% complete at this point, minus some yard work that is impossible to do with the unpredictable weather. My helper, Bryson, helped me organize and clean out all 5 closets and we washed sheets and curtains. Bryson is a little hoarder, which really annoys me b/c he can find a reason to keep everything like his Gays does with irons and his Pa-Pa does with vacuums (can't wait for comments on that too, Gays). Thankfully, legos distracted Bryson while I hid stuff in my pile and then packed it away for the Goodwill.

Tuesday I finally went back to the Y for a workout...I had been hesitant since the doctor ordered another u/s and I "thought" she may try and come early, but after last weeks pics everything looked good and "stable" per the doctor. So I decided, b/c I have wanted to so badly, to walk on the treadmill and do some light weights! I walked a mile, did some weights and Bryson and I went for a swim! It was GREAT and we went back today!!!!!! The lifeguard at the Y, did get on my nerves though and he obviously didn't realize that I am a hormonal, pregnant woman and that I really had no time for his comments, but he realizes now!!! Bryson and I had lunch with Brooks at Sub Express, did some grocery shopping and cooked dinner...all in all another productive day!

So today was the unanticipated DIABETES test....I have to say that I think either I honestly blocked the whole think out when I was pregnant with Bryson or it wasn't that bad and I just don't remember it. I took one last bite of an oreo cookie last night about 7 and had nothing else till 11:00 am this morning. Brooks and Bryson went with me to my 9:30 appt and she handed me the nice sized bottle of red, yummy (yeah right) SUGAR! I drank it and it didn't kill me, but it did give me heartburn b/c everything these days does that. We heard Britan's heartbeat, checked my weight.....which was only 1 pound difference from a month ago and 13 total, got the calming answer that everything on the u/s looked good and that there should not be anymore necessary and then we waited for the nice lady to stick my hand and take 15 minutes to withdrawal blood from my poor right hand! Once that event was over we had lunch at Little Pigs (I love summer and spring break lunch dates) and then Brooks and I had a nap while Bryson entertained himself ;) This afternoon we worked out at the Y and ended with dinner at the Cracker Barrel with some new friends!! Another successful Spring Break day!

We are now on the main stretch to SUMMER VACA and I am EXCITED to see that come quickly for MANY, obvious reasons! I hope that you had an Excellent Easter, Super Spring Break, and Fabulous Family Time like the Derting's have!! :) I now pray for all of us and these stupid storms that are headed our way AGAIN and I pray that they will stay away and not cause anymore destruction to families and homes near and far!!! Sleep tight tonight and be safe....Much Love to You! Alysha

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's been a while!

Hey! How are you? I hope you are doing well! Its been a couple of weeks since I felt the need to write or the need to share my random thoughts and I have been patiently waiting for some sort of inspiration to write and today I found it!

As many of you know I am a teacher to students with special needs....and I love my work and the smiles on the many faces I see everyday! Also, as most know, our state is in a state of crisis at this point trying to figure out a way to help the ones that can't balance the budget....the ones making the BIG bucks, who screwed the budget up in the first place!

So here is today's dilemma that I am afraid may have more long lasting, negative effects than we are aware of at this moment.....our good ol' state legislatures are continuing to take from my child and yours as well, AGAIN! I am sure that you have heard the news and have figured out by now that CMS is in a much BIGGER debt boat than us here, but those kids and our kids are all suffering from the same debt crisis! Supposedly a "budget" for next school year is weeks away from being signed and its not PRETTY. It's not pretty for educators or students and in the big picture America's future! Now I have a 2 sided look on this and I am going to share both sides b/c both sides to me are VERY important......

My educator's side (I will start there b/c this was my 1st side before the parent side)....granted anyone who is a teacher does not do it for the money (we ALL know this), many that are teachers have had the dream since they were kids or some were inspired by a teacher during their school career and felt the need to share the passion with others. My dream came in the 3rd grade, although this was my toughest year in school and I probably should have been tested for EC services at this point in my school career b/c nothing school related came easy to me and everything I got was a I thought I wanted to teach elementary school and that was the plan even when I was rejected by ASU my freshman year and struggled my way through MCC hoping to get a transfer to anywhere that would take my sad, little GPA so that my dreams could come true. And the doors opened when UNCC gave me a chance and accepted someone, who on paper, did not look like a very good this point I still wanted to teach elementary ed until the 1st semester of 2001 in Intro to SPED, my mind was changed and eyes opened not only to what my problems had been all through school, but problems that other kids just like me were and had experienced, so the decision was made to change majors to Special Ed. I will stop rambling, but I will say my GPA was still not pretty when I graduated (after a 5 year struggle) and my major was not SPED b/c I wasn't "good enough" for the program, but I worked my way around that road block and made my dreams of Special Ed come true. During my education journey and once I found my calling...I then decided to further my education and get my Masters degree in EC, when what I believe my real GPA finally showed up on wasn't a 4.0, but 3.8 with Dean's List recognition :) I worked VERY hard to get what I got as many educators do and not for the PAY or BENEFITS. I know MANY people out there that would love to have my job b/c 5 years ago education was the way to go and those that chose that path are waiting tables, working odd jobs, and hoping that maybe one day their dream of being a teacher will come true. SO what does this mean to the State of NC we are ranked 45th in our nation for teacher pay and 47th in instructional supply money for our students (your child). Teachers in this state continue and have continued to educate America's youth with less and less as each year passes and this coming school year will be no different. Our "new" budget wants to cut Teacher Assistants, teachers pay for their insurance, RAISE student class sizes and the list from my educator's side I am defensive, how dare someone who cannot balance "their" checkbook take from mine, how dare someone continue to expect, expect, expect more and more from me and take, take, take more and more away?? Why do I continue to see, in my opinion, UNNECESSARY road work continuing when some kids don't even have BOOKS to learn from??? I am very confused and ANGRY about the future in education not only for myself, my colleagues, but mostly for the CHILDREN!!!!!!!!! 

So that is my educator's, defensive side.....this is my parent's, hurt side. Now that Bryson is getting ready to enter the big ol' scary world of school for the next 13 is starting to hit home what all of these cuts will mean. Bryson will be going with me to Stony Point in Alexander County, where the school board continues to strive for small classroom sizes and putting Children First, which they have done an excellent job at....but with the "new" budget coming into play and others putting stipulations on the "budget" money it is becoming harder and harder each year for our small county to continue to keep up. This means that next year my child may be in a larger class, which means less one on one time and who knows what classes sizes will be by the time he is in 5th grade...could be 33 kids per class. 33 is ridiculous how can any student learn in a class that large, much less how can any teacher teach to that many students at one time???????? I don't have the answer, do you?? Does our state's lottery money hold the key????? I am very concerned and very upset at the fact that I am sending my child into his school career with people in our state legislature that could care less about any child that walks through the door of any school. I am very saddened to think of what his school career will look like if year after year our state continues to take more from my child, your child, OUR FUTURE LEADERS!

I plan on submitting this along with some MORE recommendations to our state legislatures on how to balance "their" budget problems....I hope that you will do the same. This situation is not pretty nor does it appear to be pretty for several more years to come and I just can't stop wondering at what point will our faithful, hardworking teachers finally hit their breaking points b/c of all of the pressures to be the best, but with less! How many more years will this continue before the education system in the State of NC crashes? 

For those who don't have kids of their own or may have their kids in private or home school situations, this will catch up to you as well...sadly in some way. It is our responsibility to make sure that our kids get the BEST education possible and its not that they aren't b/c of teachers its b/c of those who have NEVER stepped foot in an elementary classroom since graduating elementary school 30 years ago!!!!!!!

I hope that you will take the time to let the WORLD know that WE are not going to allow OUR children to bare the burdens of OUR state's crisis! 

Have a good rest of the week and GREAT weekend....with love Alysha!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I tend to overreact......

In case you can't read me like a book....I "guess" that I tend to overreact on some I have stated in recent life has been way more stressful than I like it to be lately...mostly work related (however I am very thankful for my job and it is very rewarding) lately it has just been difficult. I told Brooks Sunday that I was ready to go back to work (after my 3 day weekend)  to continue to tackle the end of year issues. Well, it didn't take but about 15 minutes Monday morning before I wanted to eat my words....I just have felt like (with the exception of day, THANKFULLY) nothing but problems, issues, concerns and needs seemed to walk through the door ALL needing immediate attention.....I am hoping that with my caseload winding down to only 2 left for the year, that I can calm down and not let the little things bring me down.

So yesterday I had my monthly checkup and I was anxious, as I always am when I walk through the doors. I have tried to be a "big" girl and go by myself the past couple of times and it seemed to be ok, so I went yesterday ALONE, which was the 1st mistake. I went a month ago and had my midway ultrasound to make sure everything looked good. Brooks thankfully went with me to this appointment, but I was very concerned throughout the whole process b/c she took 76 pictures and would not tell us anything...I realize it is her job to not tell, but honestly I don't know how she managed to not say anything with the million questions I kept asking her, but she did. At the end I think she tried to calm my nerves by telling me that the doctor would call if there was a problem, but she didn't think he would need to, so I took a deep breathe and I have been living off of that since March 2nd. I was mostly nervous because we didn't have this ultrasound with Bryson b/c insurance only paid for one 5 1/2 years ago and the only one I got was at 9 weeks, so this was already a different experience for me.  

BACK to yesterday....I go in...she said I had gained 7 lbs :( which hurt my feelings a little, said my blood pressure was good and told me the next appointment I get to do the diabetes test :( SO the doctor came in, listened to the heartbeat, I told him I had been trying really hard to stay in shape and not gain TOO much weight and he seemed fine with the fluctuation this time, but he doesn't want it to be that high again (and neither do I). So I asked about the ultrasound and he said....she looks good, 58th percentile, not too big, not too small.....and then he said BUT......I do want you to have another u/s in a few my heart dropped and there I sat alone with time standing still.......WHY...why do I need another one????? Well, she is fine, but (and this is exactly what I heard) have a short cervix...its 3.6 and we don't want it to be 2.5 or you could go into we are going to check again and make sure that its not any shorter in a couple of weeks.....and I said and if it is what "could" "could" go into labor early......OMG! Not what I needed to I FREAK out and he tries to calm me b/c he already knows that I am a freak about things, but I tried to appear calm, till I got to the car and lost! I called Brooks and told him what I "heard" and he tried to console me over the phone, but it didn't seem to work either. I came home looked on the internet, which I know is a bad thing to do.....but I couldn't help myself....Brooks looked too from work and we truly found 2 different takes on this "condition".....He found ok stuff and I found horror stories...He came home and washed and dried clothes, loaded the dishwasher, pretty much did everything I would have done if I hadn't been sulking on the couch. I went to bed wondering, had terrible nightmares and worried every hour that I woke up about what "could" happen if I went into labor now.....

Brooks called the doctor this morning to confirm my story and see what exactly we should do from here, b/c in my mind I had myself on bed rest from now till August. So the doctor told him....that I was on the low "normal" size for the length.....I DIDN'T HEAR THE WORD NORMAL COME FROM HIS MOUTH ONCE, but he assured Brooks that it is ok...he just wants to monitor it for now since I did have a miscarriage and since Bryson was a month early...he wants to be cautious. Brooks asked if I should stop working out (which was one of my questions yesterday) and he said no..not at this time b/c right now there is not an indication that anything is "wrong" so I can continue to be "normal" until the next u/s shows something different. 

I am much calmer now and I am thinking that perhaps I was born this way and it was this way with Bryson and they just didn't check it. SO I am going to be more optimistic about this little, minor (I pray) condition and not let it stress me for the next few weeks. I am going to remain clam and continue to walk a little and swim some until the u/s and I am praying that it is either the same length or LONGER on April 20th!

Sorry I rambled awhile tonight....I really wanted to write last night, but I am thinking it would not have been near as positive, so I am glad I waited a day to let this sink in.

Thanks for reading my crazy words, I really appreciate the positive feedback I get back from sharing the crazy thoughts that run through my head. Have an EXCELLENT Thursday :) Love to you as always! Alysha

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A more positive outlook!

In case you don't know me by now...let me share with you....I do not like to be a negative, stressed person and to be honest I feel like I have been for weeks and its starting to drag me down. You probably know that my life is pretty straight forward and neatly laid house is organized and my desk at work is usually cleared. I do realize that this is also known as OCD and maybe its some form of craziness on whatever spectrum you would like to call it. I know these things about me and I know that when they are not this way...I am not the way I should be! I do not do these silly things to make others happy, I do these silly things to make my life less stressful. I make to-do lists so that I can bask in the glory of everything being checked off. I don't do clutter or piles of "stuff" sitting around...everything has a place and reason and it should be in its place or used for its reason! 

So there you go...a little background about my silly ways of thinking and my ridiculousness to have my house in order and my work completed, if not before, by the deadline....which brings me to where my mind has been in the last few weeks.....I should know this by now because it happens every year.....SUMMER is coming, which brings an ENORMOUS smile to my face :) BUT before I can let myself get wrapped up in morning swims at the Y, free movie Tuesdays, (maybe) several trips to the beach (depends on Britan) and of course our BEST gift of the summer Miss Britan herself.....I must 1st mark off a mile long to do list at work! I love my job and I strive for perfection in that as well and these days I feel far, far from perfection! I have struggled with several job requires high levels of confidentiality due to the precious pupils I work with daily therefore, I can't share much information, but I have to say that I have struggled in recent weeks with certain issues more than any of the other 7 years I have been teaching. I am praying that next Friday, which is April 1st, which means April 1st Headcount is due to the EC department, will get here quickly and all of "this" stress will be over. Today I hit a low point, but I found my way out of it with one of the issues at work, so I am hopeful and thankful that my weekend can start out a little less stressed.....

My weekend has begun b/c tomorrow is a workday and I fortunately cleared my to-do list, which means I am staying home!!! Brooks will also be home tomorrow (for those that read last week, I approved for him to take the day off without kicking and screaming about it). He is going to school with Bryson in the morning for "Dad's Day" and then my husband and I have a date at the YMCA with possible lunch to follow....Side Note: I am continuing to workout b/c it makes me feel better and I hoping that it will decrease my chance of a repeat of preclampsia AND I am also continuing to workout b/c I am not fond of all of the OMG your HUGE already comments.....Are you sure your not due before August??......There has to be more than one!!!! Sorry people, but these are not the nicest things to say to a pregnant woman....I realize that I am already larger than I was with Bryson, but I also know that I am taking much better care of myself, I am a little over 1/2 way there at this point (and she does have to grow), and this is my 2nd, so please feel free to rub my belly and say how cute it is, but please don't tell me how RIDICULOUSLY big I am...b/c I realize....NOTHING from Bryson's pregnancy fits....I get it....I am large....I don't need the reminders!! (sorry that was a large side note). After our date.....I may get my nails done, visit a sweet brand new baby girl, and send the boys racing...and come home and be alone... :) 

I am hoping that I am in control of regaining my positive outlook b/c I have missed it so! I hope that your week has been good to you and that you are enjoying the spring sunshine as much as I am!

 Love and Fun To You For The Weekend! Alysha

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have issues!

So I don't remember with Bryson being a psycho, crazy person and if this is the way I am going to be till August, then I may need to be hospitalized for insanity until this baby comes....b/c I am not sure I will make it or Brooks!

I have not had the best week and I really don't want to complain, but I am just to my breaking point, which brings me to today's event.........I had a MAJOR meeting at 8 am with a parent and several other people, so I get to work at 7:37 and a friend tells me that my pants were RIPPED in the back and only continuing to RIP more as I move! Now at this point I have a smile on my face as I type this, but 13 hours ago I was LIVID! 1st of all this are the STUPID maternity jeans that I paid $45 for at Kohls...I already had problems with the jeans b/c the leg inseam is not straight and crosses my foot instead of the side of my leg when I wear them, so they were already CRAP, but I decided since I had washed and worn them I would just keep them and then today THEY rip! So I FLY home, change pants, FLY back and walk in at 7:59....still not real sure how I pulled that off and I apologize to all the people I yelled at on the way to and from!

That was the start of my day and it only continued to not get worse, but just not get better....I pretty much lost it with Brooks today only b/c he thought he would be helpful by taking the day off tomorrow to bring Bryson to Kindergarten :( registration (another emotional train wreck) and then get everything ready for us to go to the beach.........well I see this as UNFAIR....THAT I HAVE TO WORK AND HE GETS TO TAKE OFF! I am the one that has struggled all week with what feels like a million issues....pants that fit last week and this week don't OR rip apart! I am the one who wants to be off for Bryson to go to screening, but I am the one that has to work.....I just saw this as completely I shed MANY ridiculous tears, till he promised me that he would go to work until I got off! I know it sounds crazy, but I really have lost all control over everything at this point including my way of rationalizing things!

Thankfully we are going to the beach this weekend......I am not really sure that I could stay at home this weekend.....I need a yesterday! So I hope that you have a GREAT weekend and please know that if you run into me and I am crazy.....I do realize this, but I have not found a way to control it at this point and please know that maybe one day I will be normal (if that is possible) again! Have a good one! Love always! Alysha

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not my original intent....

 I have pondered all weekend about writing because this is "my out" and I have needed out for a couple of days now, but just haven't been able to sit down to write....I wanted to complain about my crazy week and how I just found gum in my 5 month old dryer, but then I began thinking...............

There is something else I should be doing instead on complaining....I should be thankful and grateful for all I have and all my family has......what the heck am I thinking...because we didn't have power for 15 hours, some people don't have power for days, some weeks because they can't afford it....Brooks and I had a ridiculous argument Wednesday morning, that set the tone for the whole day...(it was all because we got up 5 minutes late and I should mention he drove all the way to SP on his lunch break to put a rose and note in my car....therefore I am very lucky and blessed to have him)....some couples argue everyday over much bigger things, I am thankful that we argue on rare occasion and grateful that it is over nothing serious.....Bryson has been on my last nerve today, but how could I be mad at a child that doesn't understand my crazy emotions at this time....why should I get mad at him, when many out there can't have kids of their selfish Alysha!

I now realize why I haven't sat down before this moment to write....I have seen many sad stories this weekend posted on FB and my so called "bad" week is in no comparison to those who have been diagnosed with cancer, other diseases, said good bye to family members (forever and some temporarily), etc. I get it now.....I am thankful and grateful! I pray for those who have had a much worse week than my very own and I pray that the weeks ahead are easier and less painful than the past. 

I hope that if are one of the ones mentioned above that you find some sort of peace and comfort this week and know that many are praying for you and many believe in the end it will all work out! 

Much love to you and I hope you can be thankful and grateful with me! Enjoy your week! Alysha

i am changed,.....

  covid changed me, you read that right. that's when i changed. i changed my outlook, i changed our routines, i changed our home! i chan...