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Showing posts from February 13, 2011

Love Week

As most know Valentine week is not about roses and chocolates at the Derting's its about a boy who decided to enter the world a WHOLE month early to SURPRISE his parents for Valentine's. This is one of the most exciting weeks of the year for me, not because I have a hot date tomorrow night, but because I have a boy who will be 5 and a birthday party to pull off. So we started the week off as we always do by spending the weekend at the beach with Gays, shopping for party food, party outfits and by eating the best Japanese food in SC! Bryson ALWAYS picks Japanese for his birthday dinner, so we will have it again Tuesday night except this time it will be Kobes with Paw-Paw.   Tomorrow is LOVE day as many of you are aware and I have to go to a workshop. I am a little sad to not be at school to celebrate V Day with my kids, but I hope to make it to Bryson's Valentine's party at his school. Then I think I shall go to the Y tomorrow afternoon and work off some of the food I i...