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Showing posts from March 24, 2015

It won't be like this for long....

I have had 2 blog topics in my head for weeks.....there's just not been time to sit and get it out, so I think it's only fitting that I start with this topic.... Are you running crazy? Is the to-do list, endless? Is there something new and different to do each day, which makes no day the same? Yep.....that's us! Spring has sprung and with that brings outside activities, soccer, more daylight which = more work somehow for me, the thought that summer break is near, but yet still so far and to even think about summer means a million and one things need to be accomplished before my mind can fully go into summer mode..... I am sure I am preaching to the choir when I say.....we have at least one birthday party every weekend for 6 weeks and games.....Easter activities.....spring life....the list goes on and on...... BUT.....I read another blog a couple of weeks ago and the message stuck with me....sadly, each day the me...