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Showing posts from March 6, 2011

Not my original intent....

 I have pondered all weekend about writing because this is "my out" and I have needed out for a couple of days now, but just haven't been able to sit down to write....I wanted to complain about my crazy week and how I just found gum in my 5 month old dryer, but then I began thinking............... There is something else I should be doing instead on complaining....I should be thankful and grateful for all I have and all my family has......what the heck am I thinking...because we didn't have power for 15 hours, some people don't have power for days, some weeks because they can't afford it....Brooks and I had a ridiculous argument Wednesday morning, that set the tone for the whole day...(it was all because we got up 5 minutes late and I should mention he drove all the way to SP on his lunch break to put a rose and note in my car....therefore I am very lucky and blessed to have him)....some couples argue everyday over much bigger things, I am thankful that we a...