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Showing posts from October 1, 2010

Some firsts for the 1st of October.....

I experienced many firsts today on this 1st day of October. I should start by saying that I am very glad that I have turned my calendar over to a month that looks better and brighter than the last. For some reason September has never been my favorite month and right now it's falling at the bottom of the list.We are entering one of my favorite times of the year and I am very optimistic that it will bring fun times and great memories just as the last few months of the year always do. I went to work today and I am happy that the 1st day back is over....I will never face this day again. It wasn't a bad day, many people shared their thoughts, shared their hugs, their love, their smiles and that was all ok! This morning I had my 1st breakfast of champions since finding out....I have been eating fruit loops and drinking orange juice every morning since school started, so today I had it for the 1st time (go figure it tasted the same). I wore a long sleeve shirt for the 1st...