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Showing posts from October 3, 2010

Where to start...

I am not sure today! It's not a bad day, but it's not the best day, maybe just a blah you ever have those days? Nothing stands out as great, but nothing as terrible either. Brooks and I had fun last night. We went to the Melting Pot and it was delicious!! If you have never been, I highly recommend!! Also, I recommend that you don't do the whole meal....the past couple of times we have gone we have only gotten a salad (which they have the BEST dressing that I have ever found), then we do the cheese fondue, and then we get the chocolate fondue. We have found that this way you are not stuffed by the time the chocolates come, but yet you are still full when you leave. This is also, $50 cheaper than getting the "Big Night Out"....I don't like meat that much anyways, so Brooks usually eats most of the meats when we do the whole meal, so it is well worth just getting 3 for us. Afterwards we went to Concord Mills and did some shopping and Brooks even tried ...