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Showing posts from July 10, 2014

My relationship with running....

Running has never been my friend, never been something I LONG to do....honestly it annoys me greatly...I saw a girl at a 5k with a shirt that said, "I hate running".....I laughed and thought how perfect that shirt would be for me! I registered for the Disney 1/2 marathon for January.....I saw several people running 1/2s and full marathons several months back and it gave me the urge to want to set that as a goal....I have only, EVER, run 5ks and I don't do those very well. I have learned through this running journey that when it comes to exercise I am mentally WEAK! I decided that if I was going to torture myself with one of the top 5 ranked goals of my life thus was going to be in a place worth a celebration in the I searched tropical locations and Disney....I soon learned races are way more pricey than local 5ks and if I was going to commit I wanted the kids to get some fun out of it I pondered and waited until registration opened in April...