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Showing posts from January 14, 2011

Friday Night Reflections......

The week ended much better than it started!!! We had school today in Alexander County and I accomplished a whole weeks worth of things in 2 days, somehow :) Tonight the boys are gone to Mooresville to the slot car track (don't ask me what they are or what it means b/c I don't know....all I know is that it takes up a lot of time) I am home pondering my Friday night and here are my thoughts....... Remember when Friday nights meant sleepovers with pizza and TGIF on TV? I loved Friday nights filled with Full House and Family Matters. Then Saturday mornings meant CARTOONS....the good ones like the Flintstones, Chipmunks, Smurfs and even Ninja Turtles! The past few mornings I have gone into work on delay which has given me the opportunity to catch up on Saved by the Bell!!! Can you believe that Zach Morris is pushing 40?? I have to say that the 80s and 90s were the BEST!!!!! Heck we are the generation that 1st got Nintendo and silly bands were nothing compared to slap bracel...