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Friday Night Reflections......

The week ended much better than it started!!! We had school today in Alexander County and I accomplished a whole weeks worth of things in 2 days, somehow :) Tonight the boys are gone to Mooresville to the slot car track (don't ask me what they are or what it means b/c I don't know....all I know is that it takes up a lot of time) I am home pondering my Friday night and here are my thoughts.......

Remember when Friday nights meant sleepovers with pizza and TGIF on TV? I loved Friday nights filled with Full House and Family Matters. Then Saturday mornings meant CARTOONS....the good ones like the Flintstones, Chipmunks, Smurfs and even Ninja Turtles! The past few mornings I have gone into work on delay which has given me the opportunity to catch up on Saved by the Bell!!! Can you believe that Zach Morris is pushing 40?? I have to say that the 80s and 90s were the BEST!!!!! Heck we are the generation that 1st got Nintendo and silly bands were nothing compared to slap bracelets and swatch watches. I miss those days....especially tonight when I am flipping for something meaningful to watch.

I read something funny/strange the other day (you may have seen it too), it was on Yahoo and it listed things that babies born in 2011 will never (replaced with smart phones for the exact time), newspapers (replaced with the INTERNET), film cameras (replaced with digital) and a retirement plan (replaced with the nation's debt)! Those were just a few, but it is crazy to think that the things that made life so fun and easy back in "the days" are slowly dwindling away. I find myself sometimes at school referring to things even from the late 90s and the kids look at me kind of crazy and then I remember most of them were born in the 20th century....DUH!

I have also been thinking about Bryson's Birthday (which I am probably pretty sure you already knew that)...most know that I like to throw parties, so its a BIG deal for me when planning something as special as the day my boy was born. Someone asked the other day....why do I insist on making such a big deal about it? Well because there will come a time in his life where he will look back and remember how much fun his childhood was and how his mom and dad thought that he was the BEST thing ever and wanted everyone else in the world to celebrate with them! I love to see his face light up as well as the kids that are there to celebrate with him while they are all having fun! I remember my 6th birthday party (a few of you out there may remember as well b/c my mom didn't just invite a few kids, we had the WHOLE class on the invite list) anyways I had a Mickey and Minnie cake with a staircase...I remember getting a pair of pink sunglasses and running laps around my house with all my party guests chasing me...why? because they were there to celebrate me. Then I think it was my 9th bday we had a slumber party and dressed Wesley up in purple tights, a leotard, tap shoes and cotton balls for boobs. It is fond memories like those that Bryson will remember one day and that is the reason why I make such a BIG deal about a party! 

So after a trip down memory lane and thinking of how great the good ol days were (not that these days are is just different when you are pushing 30)....I guess I shall find a way to entertain myself for the night. I hope that you and your families have an excellent long weekend. And remember to cherish memories always because they truly are what make you smile.....Thanks for reading my blast from the past.....

Final thought: We watched Temple Grandin last night, the real life story of a lady diagnosed with Autism in the early 50s (1st case was in 1948) and her 2 quotes that stick out: every door leads to a new journey....and different BUT not less! I loved the movie and highly recommend!
Have a great night :) Love and Fun for the weekend, Alysha

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