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Showing posts from June 10, 2014

Day 180...already????

It seems tomorrow really day 180? Not being in the classroom has changed my perception of the last day of school just a little....the excitement has not set in yet...hopefully by morning I will feel the summer break excitement.... I feel like I have run around for weeks trying to accomplish everything that needs to be "accomplished" before this BIG day tomorrow....and I did encounter a few minor road blocks along the know like hitting a parked car in the WIMS parking lot on Friday and having an absolute meltdown before the day was complete......BUT THEN Today as I was rushing around with the hustle and bustle of it all.....I walked into WIMS and there was that smell that hits me every time I walk in the commons area....the smell of 8th grade and how life has changed and grown immensely since 8th grade, but yet the smell is still the exact same.... And then onto WIHS.....and the screen out front reads LAST DAY JUNE 11TH.....this place and that ...