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Showing posts from January 19, 2011

So it's Wednesday!

Why is it that every time there is a holiday or it's a four day work week for some reason...the week takes 1500 times longer than a normal week??? It has been a crazy 2 days, but the week is almost over and then we can begin our whirlwind of no free weekends till March (YAY)!!! Things to do...makes me HAPPY! So tomorrow is 12 weeks :) I am still struggling a little bit talking about it..because there is still a little fear there that something could happen...I wish my mind would settle and the thoughts would go away, but I guess everything will calm when the baby is here....although that seems like a LONG ways a way right now! So I am pondering a 5k this weekend...thoughts on this please!!!! I have been running (jogging) a little and I know that IF I decide to this that I will probably be last because I know that I don't want to push myself to the limit. I feel good when I am running, I just haven't gotten to 3 miles, so I wonder how well I would do. This is the run that ...