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Showing posts from October 17, 2010

The middle of October.......

Another Fall, October weekend has come and is quickly going. Another weekend at home and I must say....I can't take it much more! I told Brooks this morning, when we were ALL grumpy, that I think we have had a little too much down time at home. We have not been to the beach since Labor Day and for us that is VERY unusual and I think it is starting to take its toll on my nerves. Please know that I realize how fortunate we are to have some where fun and free to go on the weekends. Although when we are at the beach we don't do much, it's still a break from home and I need a break SOON!   The boys went to the race Friday night and Bryson slept after about lap 30, but it was still fun for him to be able to experience that type of race. I went out with a friend to the Olive Garden and we had a fun time catching up on some things. Yesterday, the boys got haircuts, we went to a party at the park, and we went to the soccer complex to see o...