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Showing posts from January 6, 2011

Random things from the 1st week of January!

It has been a really, quick, successful, productive week!!! Lots accomplished with my kids this week...a little paperwork accomplished as well. Getting back into a routine...although I would love to sleep just a little later, has been the best thing for the Derting's. Schedules and things to accomplish makes me feel better mentally, physically and emotionally. I should also mention that I made it to 10 weeks today :) :) :) I am so excited and thankful to be at this place and to this point. I am still hoping and praying that everything is going as it should since we don't go back to the doctor for a couple of weeks. We swam Monday and I walked a couple of miles yesterday and I am a little tired, but feel so much better than the past weeks and I can only hope that it will continue to go up hill from here!! I have gotten a little bit of a head start on the upcoming 5th Birthday party....invites are on the way.....I just need to nail down a race car......anyone out there that c...