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Showing posts from October 24, 2010

What a wonderful, waiting weekend :)

What a weekend to be in the GREAT state of North Carolina! There are a few heavenly treasures buried right around us in and near Statesville! We have experienced a few of the highlights this weekend. Friday kicked off the annual Balloon Rally in Statesville (they now call it a Festival, but that is not what I grew up calling it). This is an event that is one of Statesville's finest and the weather cooperated beautifully, so that it shined even brighter when the 1st balloon arose! Bryson and I parked across the rode from the airport's runway so that we had a perfect view for the 40+ hot air balloons that were in flight. Bryson was very anxious because he couldn't remember exactly what they looked like from last year and I of course made a big deal about because I have many cherished childhood memories from this event and I hope he will too. They floated right over our heads and some onto Interstate 40! My mom met us at our look out spot to capture the floating wonders as wel...