post 5 of 6 for my 2023 vision board... i'm a tad behind which really annoys my OCD. the week didn't go as i had intended and i ended up sick which is not a norm for me, so i have struggled to recover and accomplish things that should have already been accomplished. in this post i wanted to share my progress on my 2023 vision board. my word of the year was intentional-i absolutely feel like i lived up to this word. i have caught myself on many occasions seeing that word in the middle of my board and bringing me back to being intentional! i have tried to leave things better than i found them, i have lived in the moment and worked hard at making things intentional. grounding-i have failed on this has been harder than i thought it would be, but grounding is something that i feel like i can mentally carryover and continue to work on. travel-in my book we have accomplished this. brooks and i traveled to mexico. we have made several little trips-snowboarding,...
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