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Showing posts from June 22, 2011

Preeclampsia, you will not win this time!

So today was a fun day, NOT! I had a scheduled 34 week check-up, but I knew that it wasn't going to be a good one....b/c for some odd reason at this stage of pregnancy I cannot control my blood pressure. This is the point with Bryson that my blood pressure went up, proteins went crazy and swelling was HORRIBLE!! 2 weeks ago when I went my top bp number was high, but not too alarming. Well, its not best to tell me this kind of stuff because this is when I tend to freak out as soon as the blood pressure cuff goes near my arm. I have been very cautious and monitoring my swelling, which is pretty much none. My face is a a little puffy, but with Bryson by this point I was a swollen toad...EVERYWHERE! This past weekend we went to TN to visit family and Britan did seem to go very crazy with the change in elevation up the mountain and then back down. I checked my bp yesterday at CVS just so I would know what to expect at the doctor was 136/78, which was down from 2 weeks ago s...