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Showing posts from August 2, 2011

My pregnancy journal!

Well I am starting this a little late, but better late than never..... Week 22: Miss Britan you are giving your mom a hard time these days....MAJOR, middle of the night, leg cramps that cause pain for days that follow. Also, this is the week that we found out that I may have a "short" cervix :( I am thankfully for everyday that you are growing in my belly and I pray that you continue to grow stronger for many more weeks to come....although we are very ANXIOUS to meet you right now! The end of week 23: Oh my Miss Britan you are becoming quite a KICKER! I love when you kick b/c it reassures me that you are ok and growing as you should! I like to lay in the bed and shake my belly b/c you kick like crazy, as if your yelling STOP! Tomorrow is week 24, so we are getting there!! Week 24: Came and went and I forgot to write..... Week 25: We got to see Britan this week and she looked happy and healthy and JUST like her brother! I had my wonderful diabetes test this week....the...