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My pregnancy journal!

Well I am starting this a little late, but better late than never.....

Week 22: Miss Britan you are giving your mom a hard time these days....MAJOR, middle of the night, leg cramps that cause pain for days that follow. Also, this is the week that we found out that I may have a "short" cervix :( I am thankfully for everyday that you are growing in my belly and I pray that you continue to grow stronger for many more weeks to come....although we are very ANXIOUS to meet you right now!

The end of week 23: Oh my Miss Britan you are becoming quite a KICKER! I love when you kick b/c it reassures me that you are ok and growing as you should! I like to lay in the bed and shake my belly b/c you kick like crazy, as if your yelling STOP! Tomorrow is week 24, so we are getting there!!

Week 24: Came and went and I forgot to write.....

Week 25: We got to see Britan this week and she looked happy and healthy and JUST like her brother! I had my wonderful diabetes test this week....the lady stuck my hand and it still hurts! Went back to the Y this week since everything from the u/s looked good and it felt great! I have gained 13lbs thus far and knowing that she is 2 of those pounds makes me :)

Week 26: We registered at Babies R Us this week and are excited to have a shower in the coming weeks.

Week 27: Mom and I went on our annual Mother's Day trip this week and we can't wait till you get to go with us next year.......we ate way toooooo much food and I think I walked SEVERAL thousand miles, but you did great!

Week 28: Bryson and I went to the doctor to hear you this week and it was confirmed that your hiney is the hard spot pushing underneath my ribs and your head is down and ready to go as long as you don't turn!

Week 29: I am starting to freak out a little bit when I think about the fact that you will be with us in 11 more weeks, I can't believe how fast time is going and I only hope that you are as excited to see us as we are you!!!

Week 30: 10 WEEKS LEFT!!!!  We traveled to the beach for the Memorial Day Weekend! Britan seemed to like the sunshine on my belly at the beach! Riding and the heat....not as much fun!!

Week 31: Britan and I are home alone for the weekend...Brooks and Bryson are on a camping trip (Bryson's 1st) and I will be enjoying some peace, quite and a MASSAGE!

Week 32: I have found a new obsession this week.....Pet Birthday Cake Ice Cream! It's Amazing, if you haven't tried it :) Went to the doctor this week and I gained 1lb and the top number of my blood pressure is creeping up, so hopefully that will stop before the next time I go check-up 2 weeks then it will start the weekly visits....time is ticking and she is coming soon! Also, Bryson did the hospital tour this week and he really liked feeding and changing the "baby" so we will see how long that lasts! Busy, but excellent week :)

Week 33: I am off work for the SUMMER...THANKFULLY!! We traveled to TN to visit family this weekend and Britan was not a fan of the elevation change. I had a check up this week and got to take a trip to the hospital thanks to my lovely blood pressure, but everything checked out and Britan seemed to be fine and still VERY ACTIVE!

Week 34: We had a baby shower this weekend and pretty much have everything we need EXCEPT for a baby!!! Britan is already a very spoiled and loved little girl and we can't wait to meet her. I am really struggling these days walking and sleeping are becoming more and more difficult since little miss is obviously ready for her departure. Another doctor at the end of the week, so hopefully we will know how ready she really is!!

Week 35: We have had a good week...went to the beach for the last time without Little Miss in our presences. I feel better this week than last!!!

Week 36: Britan is making progress....we had our weekly checkup and I am 2 cm. So I am hopeful that she will be here soon!!! Everything is ready at this point....the car seat needs to be installed in the car, but its in the car, so we are ready for a baby!!!! I went to buy Bryson's gift from Britan on Saturday, while the boys were in Mville and I came home to a 4 foot black snake crawling across the den floor....I screamed to the tops of my lungs and ran back outside! I called Brooks and urged him to get home NOW, then I waited frantically in the Ingles parking lot CRYING my eyes out till I saw him go by. He found Mr. Blacky hiding in the corner! Needless to say if that didn't start labor, I am not sure what will......................

Week 37: Weekly doctor appt.....NO MORE signs of PROGRESS :( Funny I wasn't optimistic at all last week and I was a 2 and this week I was very optimistic and nothing! I do however, have a virus that has made me sick to my stomach and has caused fluid in my ears creating an annoying ringing sound! On Sunday we went for a mile walk on a wooded walking trail and encountered 2 more snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brooks thinks they were cotton mouths YUCK! So I am done with this stupid snake business....It's Monday and Bryson and I are moving ahead with our weekly routines....swimming, lunch, and naps...until Britan decides to join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Week 38: Well this week start out with a practice run...Thursday night I had constant contractions for a couple of hours, but they didn't amount to labor....the did amount to mom coming up from the beach (another post is dedicated to this story). We waited patiently all weekend thinking that this could be the weekend, but no luck and no more contractions.

Week 39: NEVER thought I would see this week, but here we are.....went to the doctor yesterday and if Miss Britan doesn't come on her own in the next 5 days, she will have a Birthday of August 2nd!!! I had said this date way back in the beginning, but then I began thinking and hoping it would be before then...but it looks like it may come true!!! So there should not be a Week 40 post because we should have a baby by then!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 2:19 pm we welcomed Miss Britan Rae Derting into the world.....her entrance and 1st few days will be shared tomorrow!! Love to you all :)

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