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Showing posts from February 3, 2011

The Week's Review....

Another week has come and leaving quickly! The weekend was beautiful and we spent lots of time in the sunshine and warm air playing with the dogs and doing some much needed yard clean up from the bitter winter, that I hope is gone! It seems like it has been a very busy week with something needing attention everyday..... We did work in a swim Monday night and the water felt great...however showering and getting dressed in the FREEZING locker room, NOT SO GREAT. Tuesday we got to see the baby AGAIN :) "It" (for now) was moving and waving happily at us! Everything looked good and fingers crossed and prayers requested my blood work is the same way. We have decided (pretty much I decided) that we will be going to Watch Me Grow on Friday, the 18th to find out what the baby is...mostly because I can't wait much longer nor do I want the child to have a complex if its a girl because Brooks and Bryson only call it a he! Very excited to see what our family will be completed with...