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Showing posts from August 26, 2011

Reflux or Colic or Both.....I need help!

We have been told that Britan has reflux, but that there is not a real way to determine this other than doing an xray that would subject her to radiation that could be more harmful to her. I am not convinced its reflux, but I am convinced that something is bothering her and I can't figure it out. We see that she does have some signs of reflux, but some signs like not eating and not gaining weigh she totally doesn't have. She does throw up, mostly for me not as bad for Brooks. I have researched colic too and I have to admit she doesn't cry for hours on end, but she doesn't sleep for long periods without fussing either. Pretty much everything it says to do for a baby with colic, she loves...she loves to move constantly, loves her paci, loves white noise, to be swaddled. Also, I have found colic babies are good eaters and gain weigh unlike reflux babies which she is for sure gaining. We are now on Zantac and have been for 3 days, but at this point I can't say its hel...