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Showing posts from May 30, 2012

Happy 10 Months Britan Rae!

Look at 2 of accomplishing my goal ;) Life is good, when goals are accomplished!!! Today, just like yesterday, is all about Britan Rae! Today is her 10 Month Birthday! I mostly wanted to do this post because I honestly can't remember where the past 10 months have gone and can't believe that they have passed so quickly. So I wanted to do a quick recap of our sweet girl and some of her memorable moments so far!!! Month 1: Britan's 1st trip to the beach at 2 weeks :) Look how sweet this pink bundle of joy is! Month 2: This boy never knew how much he could love his little sister, but these two share a bond and love like no other!! Month 3: Such a girly girl :) Already eating baby food!  1st Halloween Month 4: A swimmer by month 4 & 1st Christmas Tree picking!! Month 5: Britan's 1st Christmas!! Sitting up by this month!! Christmas Morning Month 6: 1st Trip to TN...Such a water baby! Britan got her ear...