It is hard to imagine that it has been almost a year since my career path changed without my approval....but looking back and seeing how far that day last June has taken me was worth every tear I shed! I never knew I could learn so much more about EC than I have this school year, I never knew that I would love working with and coaching amazing teachers as much I do! The challenges that have come with this new role were ones I never knew existed, but with each one I have learned to take it and make the best of it! There are so many people that have supported me, let me in their classrooms with trust, listened to my advice, told me to chill out when I am being a little too dramatic (perhaps that's where B gets it), but at the end of the day there have been friendships built that will never be broken! I am thankful that another successful year is behind me and happy that it exceeded any expectation I ever had. I love my schools, my teachers, and my admin! Thank you to my h...
Welcome to the Derting's real life stories!! Throughout this site you can find information from and about our family. We have many family members across the US and this will hopefully, be a way to stay in closer connection to them as well as in touch with our closer to home family and friends!! ENJOY :)