So I don't remember with Bryson being a psycho, crazy person and if this is the way I am going to be till August, then I may need to be hospitalized for insanity until this baby comes....b/c I am not sure I will make it or Brooks! I have not had the best week and I really don't want to complain, but I am just to my breaking point, which brings me to today's event.........I had a MAJOR meeting at 8 am with a parent and several other people, so I get to work at 7:37 and a friend tells me that my pants were RIPPED in the back and only continuing to RIP more as I move! Now at this point I have a smile on my face as I type this, but 13 hours ago I was LIVID! 1st of all this are the STUPID maternity jeans that I paid $45 for at Kohls...I already had problems with the jeans b/c the leg inseam is not straight and crosses my foot instead of the side of my leg when I wear them, so they were already CRAP, but I decided since I had washed and worn them I would just keep them and then...
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