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Showing posts from August 20, 2012

My issues.....

I am so confused about my life's purpose right it a midlife crisis, call whatever you want, but I think this is the HARDEST time I have ever experienced going back to work.....I have always said that I am better mom because I work because it keeps me sane....but I have really enjoyed being in my little cocoon with me and the kids all summer, our own world, no one to answer to...... Do I want to stay home with my sweet girl? YES! Do I want to work where Bryson actually is in school? YES! Do I want to continue to provide our children with experiences that give them happiness? YES! Do I need to feel like I have a purpose? YES! So what the heck is wrong with me..... Is it the fact that I need something NEW to balance my life about every 5 years? MAYBE Is it that I want new challenges maybe even a new career? MAYBE Again what is the problem, Alysha...... Do all these questions I am having mean I am going to breakdown and stop bein...