14 years ago, we (#theOGdertings) were very young, naive mid 20 year olds. we had been together for 9 years, but only married for 8 months.....we got pregnant in Hawaii on our honeymoon and Bryson arrived exactly 30 days early! the weeks leading up to valentines I was being monitored for high blood pressure, I am certain it was stress related......Brooks at the time raced RC cars (he would still love to do that and the basement still has several, but instead he pours his "spare time" into soccer).....in FL in Feb they host some big "national" RC event.....we decided it was best if he went and I stayed back (that was dumb thinking about it now)....he left late one afternoon drove all the way through the night to get there, I had an appt the next day, and my blood pressure was worse, so I had to have a stress test.....Brooks drove right back home from Orlando.....I am pretty sure he was gone less than 24 hours (oops) they let me go home, but I was closely monitor...
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