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Showing posts from August 3, 2015

What's worth it to you?

I somewhat feel like I have forgotten how to "blog"....ideas run through my head, but nothing comes together like it used to when I started this adventure FIVE years crazy is it that it has been that motivation for this blog was because in September of 2010 we had a miscarriage and this was my voice to my feelings and emotions through that time.....and look where we are Britan Rae turned 4 years old just the other day!! However, I still feel like there are things I want to say....I just can't compose them the right way. I am not sure if it is because I am out of the habit or is there just no meaning to all the thoughts floating in my head.....every couple of months I get this feeling, like I NEED to blog about something and it weighs on me till I do it (goes on my endless to-do list).....I have had this feeling for about a week and I just haven't been able to put my finger on what I am suppose to be blogging about.... Take a l...