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Showing posts from July 13, 2011

Documenting Summer 2011

Well....while we are waiting....we have been accomplishing many things for the exciting Summer of 2011! I am thankful that I can say I feel like I have accomplished everything I had intended with Bryson for the Summer. I had this idea in my head that we needed to do as much fun stuff together before Britan comes so that I don't feel guilty once she gets here and life becomes a little more complicated. So here are some of the highlights for the Summer thus far: ~Cars 2! ~Bryson's 1st season of t ball ~A mini vacation to Knoxville, TN with the Derting's ~A visit to the Chuckie Cheese and Fun Station: Double check! ~Trips to the beach included the 4th of July, which I questioned whether or not would happen ~Painting at Unique Designs ~FREE movie Tuesday's ~SEVERAL days of swimming ~AND 100's of trips to Chick Fil A for lunch! I hope that Bryson knows I have tried very hard to make this last Summer as an only child as much fun as it could be! AND I hope he d...