Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The day the world got the sweetest little girl: Introducing our Britan Rae all have done it again! We are once again reminded how much we are loved by all of the prayers, calls, texts, FB messages, visits, gifts...etc! We would like to thank each of you for taking this year long journey with us and we would like to share our sweet little girls entrance into the world with you.

From yesterdays post you know that we had planned on being induced yesterday, August 2nd, but our little piglet decided she wanted to pick her Birthday and she did not want to share the month of August with her mom or dad!! We had BIG plans for our last weekend as the 3 of us and most events revolved around Bryson...I even told him on Friday, after we saw the Smurfs, he got his favorite place for lunch (Chick Fil A), and then raced slot cars with his daddy, that this was the last weekend all about him. Saturday we were going to finally due my belly cast (which I am kind of sad that didn't happen), Brooks and Bryson were going fishing and Sunday we were having Sunday cinnamon rolls, going for a swim, grilling out and spending time with Bryson.....not in Britan's plans!!!!

Saturday about 6 am I felt something weird, but managed to go back to sleep till 7ish and then I felt it again....this time a little harder. About 7:30 I told Brooks that I should get up and get ready b/c I thought we might be making a trip to the hospital, but I took my time, took a shower, did my hair and between all of this, these weird feelings kept coming about every 7 minutes.....I called mom and told her not to come yet, but not to go to the beach...just be ready IN CASE this is not a fire drill. About 8 I called my dad to see if Bryson could hang out with him for the day IN CASE we were going to the hospital. Daddy came and got him shortly after, Brooks vacuumed the house, I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and we washed 2 loads of about 9ish we decided we should put the final things in the car considering every 3-4 minutes these pains were still coming. The house was clean, we were both ready, so about 9:45 we stopped by the Chick Fil A and got soon as we ordered mine...I decided I probably shouldn't eat it b/c I was probably having a baby today...this time the CONTRACTIONS were 1-2 minutes a part and I had to stop in the parking lot of the hospital to let it ease off before checking in. We checked in about 10 am and by 10:15 I was not a very nice person anymore....I was 7 cm and in LOTS of pain about 15 minutes later my water broke and Brooks about lost his ears while they tried inserting the epidural TWICE before it finally went in 11am I was 9 1/2 cm...but the epidural had started to kick in, so I was calm and back to being a little nicer to Brooks. I was so calm that we had to wait another 3 hours before I even tried to push b/c I was pretty numb! By 2:19 pm Britan was here and she looked PERFECT, she scored a 9 on the Apgar scale she measured 20 inches long and her weight was not correct, but they documented it as 7 lbs 3 oz (we later found out that was one of the MANY mistakes that Iredell made).

Our little girl was doing great and we were even told that we would go home in 24 hours....that didn't happen due to other mistakes that the hospital made, but I have voiced my concerns and the 13 issues with the director of the Birth Place at Iredell and although that doesn't make the experience any better or change the fact that we have no idea how much Britan actually weighed at birth that is all I can do.

We did make a few memories while we waited impatiently to be released....Amber Wallace took some amazing pictures for Britan's 1st photo shoot when she was less than a day old and Lisa Cash from Unique Designs came to do a little pottery with our sweet girl and her long ski feet for her stork visit!! We would like to thank them both very much for taking part in such a special day in our lives and thank you for making memories that will last FOREVER!!!! We love you both!!

Once we were FINALLY released Monday morning we came home to a VERY excited big brother and Gays (my mom for those who don't know that is what Bryson calls her). Thankfully Gays was more than willing to watch our sweet girl while Brooks and I slept for a couple of hours. By late afternoon we were all ready and we went to Hickory for Britan's 1st trip to the Olive Garden....yep 2 days old and out and about.....I have learned and maybe that is why I don't sit still, that life does not wait on you and if you don't use your time wisely, you loose precious moments!! SO YES WE WENT OUT AND EXPLORED THE WORLD!!! We even stopped by Wal Mart to grab a cake mix and some root cover up for my hair that looked ridiculous!

Tuesday mom fixed my hair and then we had Village Inn for lunch before she headed home. Bryson had a t ball party at the Y last night and was very eager to show off his new sister, so we attended that as well before coming home. Little Miss is more like her mom than her dad and brother when it comes to going to bed early the 2 of us stayed up till 1 am.

Today Brooks took the big brother and his friend to the free movies and Britan and I met them for lunch. Oh I should mention that she is already a Daddy's can see him melt when he has her. He was very anxious to show her off at his work, so that was our afternoon adventure. Brooks is now at soccer and I did have a little meltdown a while ago when I was carrying, a screaming Britan up the stairs to have her diaper changed and Bryson came running with us when he tripped going up the stairs onto his face and came up holding his nose...I knew I was going to see blood, but thankfully there was no blood, but plenty of tears....we are now all ok, but I have to say I was worried for a moment!!!

Britan is AMAZING & WE ARE ALL VERY IN LOVE WITH HER SO MUCH!!!!! A few interesting facts that we have learned so far.......we don't really know how much she weighted at birth because they told us 7lbs 3 oz, but Sunday according to her chart she weighed 7 lbs 12 oz, we all know that you don't gain that much so quickly and when she was released she weighed 7 lbs 9 oz, so it is a little disheartening that we don't have such an important piece of information, but we can't change that now..........we have also learned that this little piggy LOVES to eat...she is a good pooper, a decent sleeper and OVERALL COMPLETELY PERFECT!!!!!!

Again we would like thank EVERYONE for taking this wonderful journey with us!!!! Thanks to our families for the support and my mom for taking care of Bryson and putting approximately 1,000 legos together while we spent our couple of nights in the hospital!!! I am sure that I have left out some other important things, but for now that should be enough about the last 4 days of the new Derting life!!! THANKS AND LOVE to each of you!!!!!!!!!! The very blessed, Derting's Brooks, Alysha, Bryson and Britan <3

i am changed,.....

  covid changed me, you read that right. that's when i changed. i changed my outlook, i changed our routines, i changed our home! i chan...