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Showing posts from January 11, 2016

Why I am not interested in winning the lottery.......

So there is this lottery that has the potential to offer a billion dollars to someone....I honestly have to say I have never purchased a lottery ticket and probably never will... I am somewhat bothered by the fact that the lottery total is what is taking over the US right now.....aren't there bigger issues Americans should be focused on? I am also bothered because it makes me sad that some think money is what makes them happy....there are such better things out there!! I have a few reasons for not caring about the lottery..... 1) we have everything we need without a billion dollars...therefore, I have already won the "lottery"...... 2) I truly don't want the responsibility of feeling the need to distribute such a large amount of money with those I love....because someone would be mad, hurt and probably never speak to me again, because it would never end fairly..... 3) its too much to think about....way too stressful, to (I am assuming) enjoy! Would...