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Showing posts from January 27, 2011

Feeling....................WONDERFULLY Productive!!!!

I am very happy to say that the LONGEST month of the year is coming to a close (RIP January 2011). January feels like it has taken 13 months to pass and I couldn't be happier to see it come to an end on Tuesday morning! I have to say that this week has been very productive and I have learned many new things this week...... Most importantly I have learned (reiterated mostly) that life can change quickly, in an instance, in the blink of an eye....I learned of the passing of someone very close to my age which makes me realize just because I am not 80 yet, tomorrow is not guaranteed. I learned of a friends unfortunate misdiagnosis that has her patiently waiting for surgery to remove the foreign object that has settled in her body. I also, saw a random act of kindness this week that will not be forgotten anytime soon. I witnessed a young man in his late teens (I am guessing) pay it forward to a lady in front of him in line at the grocery this may not be that uncommon, but ...