I am very happy to say that the LONGEST month of the year is coming to a close (RIP January 2011). January feels like it has taken 13 months to pass and I couldn't be happier to see it come to an end on Tuesday morning! I have to say that this week has been very productive and I have learned many new things this week......
Most importantly I have learned (reiterated mostly) that life can change quickly, in an instance, in the blink of an eye....I learned of the passing of someone very close to my age which makes me realize just because I am not 80 yet, tomorrow is not guaranteed. I learned of a friends unfortunate misdiagnosis that has her patiently waiting for surgery to remove the foreign object that has settled in her body. I also, saw a random act of kindness this week that will not be forgotten anytime soon. I witnessed a young man in his late teens (I am guessing) pay it forward to a lady in front of him in line at the grocery store...now this may not be that uncommon, but the fact that he was young and that both parties were not of the same culture says a lot for the youth of America today and proves that people really do still have a heart!
I have cooked the past 2 nights with 2 new recipes that both were GOOD and EASY! Last night chicken roll....made with crescent rolls with buffalo chicken and cheese stuffed inside and baked for 10 minutes! Tonight chicken in the crock pot all day soaked in cream of chicken soup, then poured over penne pasta noodles...cook time 10 minutes! Cooking, eating and having the kitchen cleaned by 6...makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
Had 2 EC meetings today and 4 more tomorrow...mixed in with making good progress all week in the Language program, posting grades to good ol NCWise and administering 4 educational tests makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
I went to the Y Monday and walked for a couple of miles. I forced myself to go today after a 3:30 meeting and knowing Bryson was getting a haircut at 5. I asked myself as I was rushing to change clothes is it worth the next 30 minutes or should I just take a break....no break....I did another 2 miles...1/2 of it running!!! And I am very thankful I did because it made me feel WONDERFULLY productive!!
My darling husband told me tonight it was nice that I was acting like a wife again (for those who don't know...this is not a mean comment...this is how my husband and I keep each other in check, seriously)...he said that it was nice to come home to dinner 2 nights in a row and I have to agree life seems so much more accomplished when things are completed! So thanks dear for the sweet words...it makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
So I hope your week has been good to you!! I pray for those people that I mentioned above as well as their family and friends as they enter days ahead that are scary, sad and unpredictable! I pray for you too...for you to be able to feel WONDERFULLY productive in whatever way you see fit! I hope that you have a GREAT weekend and please join me in saying GOOD BYE to January 2011 :) Love you ALL!!!!!!!!! Alysha
Most importantly I have learned (reiterated mostly) that life can change quickly, in an instance, in the blink of an eye....I learned of the passing of someone very close to my age which makes me realize just because I am not 80 yet, tomorrow is not guaranteed. I learned of a friends unfortunate misdiagnosis that has her patiently waiting for surgery to remove the foreign object that has settled in her body. I also, saw a random act of kindness this week that will not be forgotten anytime soon. I witnessed a young man in his late teens (I am guessing) pay it forward to a lady in front of him in line at the grocery store...now this may not be that uncommon, but the fact that he was young and that both parties were not of the same culture says a lot for the youth of America today and proves that people really do still have a heart!
I have cooked the past 2 nights with 2 new recipes that both were GOOD and EASY! Last night chicken roll....made with crescent rolls with buffalo chicken and cheese stuffed inside and baked for 10 minutes! Tonight chicken in the crock pot all day soaked in cream of chicken soup, then poured over penne pasta noodles...cook time 10 minutes! Cooking, eating and having the kitchen cleaned by 6...makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
Had 2 EC meetings today and 4 more tomorrow...mixed in with making good progress all week in the Language program, posting grades to good ol NCWise and administering 4 educational tests makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
I went to the Y Monday and walked for a couple of miles. I forced myself to go today after a 3:30 meeting and knowing Bryson was getting a haircut at 5. I asked myself as I was rushing to change clothes is it worth the next 30 minutes or should I just take a break....no break....I did another 2 miles...1/2 of it running!!! And I am very thankful I did because it made me feel WONDERFULLY productive!!
My darling husband told me tonight it was nice that I was acting like a wife again (for those who don't know...this is not a mean comment...this is how my husband and I keep each other in check, seriously)...he said that it was nice to come home to dinner 2 nights in a row and I have to agree life seems so much more accomplished when things are completed! So thanks dear for the sweet words...it makes me feel WONDERFULLY productive!
So I hope your week has been good to you!! I pray for those people that I mentioned above as well as their family and friends as they enter days ahead that are scary, sad and unpredictable! I pray for you too...for you to be able to feel WONDERFULLY productive in whatever way you see fit! I hope that you have a GREAT weekend and please join me in saying GOOD BYE to January 2011 :) Love you ALL!!!!!!!!! Alysha