post 5 of 6 for my 2023 vision board...
i'm a tad behind which really annoys my OCD. the week didn't go as i had intended and i ended up sick which is not a norm for me, so i have struggled to recover and accomplish things that should have already been accomplished.
in this post i wanted to share my progress on my 2023 vision board.
my word of the year was intentional-i absolutely feel like i lived up to this word. i have caught myself on many occasions seeing that word in the middle of my board and bringing me back to being intentional! i have tried to leave things better than i found them, i have lived in the moment and worked hard at making things intentional.
grounding-i have failed on this has been harder than i thought it would be, but grounding is something that i feel like i can mentally carryover and continue to work on.
travel-in my book we have accomplished this. brooks and i traveled to mexico. we have made several little trips-snowboarding, beaches, theme parks, we have accomplished this goal!
calories-i turned this word pretty early on into fasting. i have really enjoyed pushing my body and seeing how often it really doesn't need food. i am thankful that the end of the year is here because i can see myself falling off a little last few weeks of the year, but i am back on and yesterday actually went 23 hours. i promise your body doesn't not need food constantly-promise.
mileage-i have definitely continued to stick with this word. i do about 90,000-100,000+ steps a week. walking is very important to me and its very important to a healthy life and honestly its simple. move your feet. i do love a good step bet. its an app, check it out, it holds you accountable and you get your money back plus money from those that didn't hit their goals. granted you're not going to get rich, but as long as you stick to your goals you aren't going to lose.
new car-check! brooks made those dreams come true in may when he had a rollback deliver the car i had been eyeballing for months the week of mothers day!
cleaning biz-my little biz continues to bless me. honestly i tell people i have to go to therapy when i go to clean. its very satisfying for me and the families that i serve are near and dear to me. i enjoy their spaces, i enjoy that things are minimal and i appreciate being able to be in their homes and keeping things maintained for them. at this time. my plate is full, i am very content in what i have!
enough-i am probably carrying this word over to 2024. i have found myself lots lately especially with christmas gifts not stopping at ENOUGH. i feel like i am always thinking and doing just one more thing, one more minute, one more time. i have not mastered enough! i need to continue to work on enough.
blog-i am real close to hitting my goals. i will succeed even if a few days late.
goals-all in all i am happy with the progress that was made in 2023. i very much enjoyed having my vision board on my desk as every time i walked by it caught my eye, often times i can see the board in my head and it pushed to do whatever i needed to do. i guess with this process i have learned that i am very visual person and it helps me to see the goals ahead....
so i have not started my 2024 board yet, but there are thoughts of it in my head----it will be completed soon!
my final post of 2023 will be my new vision board so stay tuned, it will be soon!
hope you had a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!
much love, alysha