I have had 2 blog topics in my head for weeks.....there's just not been time to sit and get it out, so I think it's only fitting that I start with this topic....
Are you running crazy? Is the to-do list, endless? Is there something new and different to do each day, which makes no day the same?
Yep.....that's us! Spring has sprung and with that brings outside activities, soccer, more daylight which = more work somehow for me, the thought that summer break is near, but yet still so far and to even think about summer means a million and one things need to be accomplished before my mind can fully go into summer mode.....
I am sure I am preaching to the choir when I say.....we have at least one birthday party every weekend for 6 weeks and counting.....soccer games.....Easter activities.....spring cleaning....work....daily life....the list goes on and on......
BUT.....I read another blog a couple of weeks ago and the message stuck with me....sadly, each day the message fades a little more, but it was so clear and so meaningful....
I will paraphrase...A guy was at the gym and another guy said "hows it going"...1st guy "crazy, life is crazy, so much to do...blah, blah, blah".....2nd guy looked at him after listening to his to-do list that seemed HUGE to guy 1 and the 2nd guy said....."sounds like a full life".....
Hmmmmm.....Full instead of busy?!?!?! I kind of like it..... after all, I do it all to myself....plan parties, accept invites, let the kids participate in extra curricular activities, make it a priority to work out 3 times a week, work after hours, church, etc.... we all do.....we all run like crazy and when someone asks often I am guilty of complaining about what I have to get done and I have completely done it to myself....
Life is completely full at the moment and there are several things we could cut out and life wouldn't be as full anymore, but obviously we want to be this way....we want to be "full/crazy".....
After I read his post.....I started thinking....yes, it is somewhat annoying that Britan still comes in our bed most nights anywhere between 1:00-5:00 and sleeps sideways which pushes Brooks and I to the edge of the king size bed.....BUT, it won't be like this for long....
yes, it is somewhat annoying that I have to call out spelling words daily and do fluency and make sure Bryson reads 25 minutes......BUT, it won't be like this for long....
yes, it is somewhat annoying that there use to be at least one day week we could sleep past 7:30....BUT, it won't be like this for long....
yes, it is somewhat annoying that we usually aren't home 5 night a week......BUT, it won't be like this for long....
yes, it is somewhat annoying that I started the spring cleaning list and I have to clear out all the kids clothes and toys......BUT, it won't be like this for long....
Before we know it....Britan won't need our bed, Bryson won't need help with homework, there won't be anywhere to go on Saturday mornings, we won't have plans 5 nights a week, and one day there won't be kids closets and clothes to clean out.....
So for now....I am trying really hard to enjoy our FULL life and all that it brings with it.....because "It won't be like this for long".......
Slow down and enjoy the fullness....
***Stay tuned hoping to blog about "keeping up with the ________" soon!!
***Stay tuned hoping to blog about "keeping up with the ________" soon!!