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Love Week

As most know Valentine week is not about roses and chocolates at the Derting's its about a boy who decided to enter the world a WHOLE month early to SURPRISE his parents for Valentine's. This is one of the most exciting weeks of the year for me, not because I have a hot date tomorrow night, but because I have a boy who will be 5 and a birthday party to pull off.

So we started the week off as we always do by spending the weekend at the beach with Gays, shopping for party food, party outfits and by eating the best Japanese food in SC! Bryson ALWAYS picks Japanese for his birthday dinner, so we will have it again Tuesday night except this time it will be Kobes with Paw-Paw.
Tomorrow is LOVE day as many of you are aware and I have to go to a workshop. I am a little sad to not be at school to celebrate V Day with my kids, but I hope to make it to Bryson's Valentine's party at his school. Then I think I shall go to the Y tomorrow afternoon and work off some of the food I inhaled this weekend and maybe it will not be crowded because I am sure most of the world has dinner plans. No dinner outing for us tomorrow, girls soccer season starts for Brooks, so we will be home preparing for a party!

 Tuesday is the BIG day that my baby will turn *5*...this will be a very bitter sweet day for me as I have reminisced all weekend everything I did 5 years ago this weekend. We were again at the beach and I had NO CLUE that within a couple of days Bryson would make his appearance without his nursery ready, no clothes to fit b/c he was so small nor did I imagine that he would attend his own baby showers that I thought had been planned accordingly weeks before his due date, obviously I was wrong. I can not believe that he will be 5 and going to school next year, it really scares me that the next time I turn around he will be driving, going to college, getting married and having a 5 year old of his own. SO ANYWAYS...we shall begin the day with his favorite meal, breakfast probably at McDonalds, and end the day with his favorite restaurant.

By Wednesday and Thursday I may be a little crazier than normal trying to make sure I have everything needed for a Racing Party!!! I should also mention the other special significance that this week has for us...Brooks had his hip surgery on Feb. 17th, 6 years ago and we had no idea going in that day what it meant, but thankfully that sad, scary day was replaced with a special event a year later when we brought Bryson home from the hospital.

By the end of the week we will have a new memory to add to this special week when  Friday morning we find out if this growing baby is a BOY or a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very anxious to see the little one and determine what we can finally call it without guessing. :) :) :) Bryson is going with us and then he is having his bday party at school with Miss Sadie since they share this birthday week together.

Finally this EXCITING week will end on Saturday with a RACING party including a slot car track, funnel cakes, racetrack food, trophies for the kids and ALL the cake you can eat!

So I am anxious for this week to get started, so we can celebrate the many blessings that we have in our lives. I hope that you have something special planned for Valentine's Day!!!!! Enjoy LOVE week with the ones you LOVE the most :) Happy V Day and LOVE from yours truly, Alysha

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