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The NERVES have set in!!!!

We went to the doctor last week (since I have graduated to weekly visits) and he didn't seem optimistic that anything would be happening soon. He told us we could go to the beach without worrying whether or not she was coming b/c she showed no signs of coming anytime soon! I have 28 days left and this is the most pregnant I have ever been b/c Bryson came with 29 days left. So I have started thinking that she is hanging in for the long ride and even asked the doctor to not let me go past August 4th b/c last week I was miserable. He kind of laughed and said he would try. Once he calmed my fears that she wasn't falling out, I relaxed a little and had made up my mind that it would probably be August.

I have done several of those little lingering things on my to do list this week, but I still have a few things left that I feel need to be done...NOW!!! I must share yesterday's adventure b/c it is going to be ok, but yesterday I sure didn't think so. I got the idea from a friend to put Britan's initials/name on her car seat canopy and stroller...just b/c I am in LOVE with embroidery these days. So Bryson and I got up early (7:30....that's pretty early for summer vaca) got ready and went to Hickory to run a few errands and have Lids, the hat store, complete the embroidery project. There was a young boy working which worried me a little, but he took his time and lined everything up to show me how it would look and said come back in 30 minutes. So we ran a few more errands and went back to see him finishing up the car seat canopy and it looked GREAT. I was very happy b/c honestly I stayed up the night before till 3worrying about this project. I know that seems crazy, but my mind is in overdrive about the silliest things and I can't make it STOP....Anyways back to the Lids Boy, he went and got the stroller cover and he was very proud of his work and I was too. We came home...I was very excited about a nap, but 1st I had to see what the pieces looked like on the stroller and seat.  The car seat looked great and the stroller cover was pretty, but pretty UPSIDE DOWN :(  So I freaked out (go figure) and started calling around to see who could fix this mess....I know this is not a huge deal in the real world, but it seemed HUGE to me. I worked for 3 hours with a seam ripper to get it out, so that I didn't have to pay for someone else to remove it. SO the nap I wanted didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I took it today to another place and they are going to fix it by next week.

This morning I walked a mile and went to the CVS, which is my new hang out, to take my blood pressure to document it for the doctor, so that he knows I am fine unless I am in his office. I got to the office early and they had me lay on my left side to see how my bp would be and it was ok, but still a little high, but still no other symptoms of preeclampsia. The doctor came in and laughed at my belly b/c it still has the impression of the American Flag we painted on it Sunday b/c face paint is not a good sunscreen for those who didn't know that. THEN he said I was a 2...............OMG...............are you serious...........last week nothing and now a 2! Last time I was a 2 I had a baby the next day. He said he "thinks" he will see us next week, but to have everything ready just in case. WOW....I had my mind set on August after last week and now anytime! Ok, so then Bryson comes to mind and what in the world is he going to he ready for this? are we ready for this? OMG...this is really happening!!!!!!! I still have, what feels like, a million things to do.

I should probably stop typing and start doing something a little more productive, but I wanted to jot down a few things before Britan makes her grand entrance!! Thanks for reading, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we await our new journey to begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps my next post will be about a baby girl that came into the world pain like 5 minutes....I can hope, right?!?!?!? :) Till next time.....Brooks, Alysha, Bryson and AWAITING BRITAN!!!!

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