Life is full of fun, exciting, happy, scary, sad memories...but no matter how they are, they are with you forever. Memories are what make your life and what make you keeping living life so that you can make more.........
Brooks and Bryson asked me this morning, on balloon hunt number 5 out of 6 for the weekend, what my deal is with hot air I started thinking about my answer this afternoon when my camera was full of 239 balloon pictures. Balloons to me mean many cherished childhood memories....memories that make me smile when I think of them and memories that I hope Bryson made today and will smile at one day.........
I have MANY memories of these amazing flying creations..... I remember Wesley and I waking up one Sunday morning to probably 10 balloons taking off in the fields right in our front yard, I cut my hair off in the 5th grade (the shortest it had ever been) at the Balloon Rally, I remember selling Bojangles chicken for a cheerleading fundraiser and tethering that day as well, I remember when they moved the Rally to the fairgrounds (what a mistake), I remember last year when Mom, Bryson and I waited in line to get into to see the balloons when Brooks called to say there was one in our yard, I will never forget last night holding Britan for over an hour to get back on the shuttle bus to get to the car when the moon glow was over....I will not forget today when we chased the last 2 balloons in the air this morning to make magical memories for Bryson....or tonight when Brooks jumped out to help a balloon crew land the basket!
So....why am I obsessed with these things....I think you see why by this point. And I didn't even mention that they look amazing shining in the sky with the Carolina Blue background!
I hope that you are making lasting, cherished memories because they are things that no one can take away and they hopefully bring a smile to your face when you reminisce as I have done today. I also hope that if you didn't see the balloons this weekend that you will next year because it is a beautiful, unforgetable scene.
Have a FUN, FANTASTIC week! Love You!
Brooks and Bryson asked me this morning, on balloon hunt number 5 out of 6 for the weekend, what my deal is with hot air I started thinking about my answer this afternoon when my camera was full of 239 balloon pictures. Balloons to me mean many cherished childhood memories....memories that make me smile when I think of them and memories that I hope Bryson made today and will smile at one day.........
I have MANY memories of these amazing flying creations..... I remember Wesley and I waking up one Sunday morning to probably 10 balloons taking off in the fields right in our front yard, I cut my hair off in the 5th grade (the shortest it had ever been) at the Balloon Rally, I remember selling Bojangles chicken for a cheerleading fundraiser and tethering that day as well, I remember when they moved the Rally to the fairgrounds (what a mistake), I remember last year when Mom, Bryson and I waited in line to get into to see the balloons when Brooks called to say there was one in our yard, I will never forget last night holding Britan for over an hour to get back on the shuttle bus to get to the car when the moon glow was over....I will not forget today when we chased the last 2 balloons in the air this morning to make magical memories for Bryson....or tonight when Brooks jumped out to help a balloon crew land the basket!
So....why am I obsessed with these things....I think you see why by this point. And I didn't even mention that they look amazing shining in the sky with the Carolina Blue background!
I hope that you are making lasting, cherished memories because they are things that no one can take away and they hopefully bring a smile to your face when you reminisce as I have done today. I also hope that if you didn't see the balloons this weekend that you will next year because it is a beautiful, unforgetable scene.
Have a FUN, FANTASTIC week! Love You!