It has been a while since my last post, but you should know that is not because I haven't tried, I have just had a little writer's block lately. Lots of changes happening and lots of activities going on, but nothing that I have been able to write about with good clarity.
This last month has brought many new things to our lives.....the 3rd and FINAL trimester for me, the ending of another soccer season for Brooks and the closure of Bryson's preschool career. Some of the things that we have encountered lately make me smile, but others bring tears to my eyes as I type!
The last month of this baby and I living together has gotten a little harder....SHE is definitely putting on weight, which.....I guess in turn is putting more on me...and as much as I am trying to LOVE this pregnancy, everyday it becomes a little harder to roll myself out of bed. Things pop from head to toe and walking is like running a 5k ALL UP HILL, but I am not going to dwell on the aches and pains instead I will be grateful and thankful that she is still in, still growing, and I can still feel her kicking as I speak! 9 more weekends is all we have left (maybe less) until this spoiled (already) little girl enters the world to meet her family :) Time is starting to fly and I am starting to become more anxious!!!!
My emotions are obviously in overdrive and Friday was proof! Friday was a HUGE milestone in Bryson's life and though he doesn't realize it now, it will never be the same for many reasons......Preschool ended on Friday and I cried my eyes out from the time I got up till mid afternoon. We went to McDonald's for breakfast and I cried so much there, that the picture we took is not worth posting...I cried on the way to work and after administering an EOG and then somehow pulled myself together for a couple of hours and then I went to pick him up and I lost it again in front of everyone! I am not sure why this happy milestone in his life had such a powerful impact on me, but I have not been able to look at his memory book his teacher made in fear that I may cry some more! He was very brave and even told me that it would be okay b/c we would see his friends again.....but of course him trying to comfort me only made me cry more! I am very thankful for all of the teachers and friends he has made over the past 3 (short) years of preschool and I can only hope that the rest of his school career will be as positive! Thank you for all you have done for my baby boy at Monticello Methodist Weekday School!!!! Although we will not be there next year....Britan will be there in a couple of years!!!
We have done some traveling this month and made some good memories as the 3 of us in preparation for us to become 4. Mom and I took our annual Mother's Day trip to TN....we went to Tanglewood and took some more pics of my growing belly and we journeyed to the beach this weekend....We have had a busy month and June looks just as packed with our 6th Anniversary coming up, another beach trip, a Derting reunion in TN and......oh a VERY important thing.........the ending of my 7th teaching year!
We are very excited to see what the future will bring for all of us with the many changes coming our way. I hope that you have had a fun start to SUMMER 2011!!! Enjoy your time off (if you have tomorrow off) and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY to all of the military people out there past, present, and future including my brother, Wesley! It is because of you we can enjoy another day of freedom!
Much Love and Summer Fun, Alysha
This last month has brought many new things to our lives.....the 3rd and FINAL trimester for me, the ending of another soccer season for Brooks and the closure of Bryson's preschool career. Some of the things that we have encountered lately make me smile, but others bring tears to my eyes as I type!
The last month of this baby and I living together has gotten a little harder....SHE is definitely putting on weight, which.....I guess in turn is putting more on me...and as much as I am trying to LOVE this pregnancy, everyday it becomes a little harder to roll myself out of bed. Things pop from head to toe and walking is like running a 5k ALL UP HILL, but I am not going to dwell on the aches and pains instead I will be grateful and thankful that she is still in, still growing, and I can still feel her kicking as I speak! 9 more weekends is all we have left (maybe less) until this spoiled (already) little girl enters the world to meet her family :) Time is starting to fly and I am starting to become more anxious!!!!
My emotions are obviously in overdrive and Friday was proof! Friday was a HUGE milestone in Bryson's life and though he doesn't realize it now, it will never be the same for many reasons......Preschool ended on Friday and I cried my eyes out from the time I got up till mid afternoon. We went to McDonald's for breakfast and I cried so much there, that the picture we took is not worth posting...I cried on the way to work and after administering an EOG and then somehow pulled myself together for a couple of hours and then I went to pick him up and I lost it again in front of everyone! I am not sure why this happy milestone in his life had such a powerful impact on me, but I have not been able to look at his memory book his teacher made in fear that I may cry some more! He was very brave and even told me that it would be okay b/c we would see his friends again.....but of course him trying to comfort me only made me cry more! I am very thankful for all of the teachers and friends he has made over the past 3 (short) years of preschool and I can only hope that the rest of his school career will be as positive! Thank you for all you have done for my baby boy at Monticello Methodist Weekday School!!!! Although we will not be there next year....Britan will be there in a couple of years!!!
We have done some traveling this month and made some good memories as the 3 of us in preparation for us to become 4. Mom and I took our annual Mother's Day trip to TN....we went to Tanglewood and took some more pics of my growing belly and we journeyed to the beach this weekend....We have had a busy month and June looks just as packed with our 6th Anniversary coming up, another beach trip, a Derting reunion in TN and......oh a VERY important thing.........the ending of my 7th teaching year!
We are very excited to see what the future will bring for all of us with the many changes coming our way. I hope that you have had a fun start to SUMMER 2011!!! Enjoy your time off (if you have tomorrow off) and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY to all of the military people out there past, present, and future including my brother, Wesley! It is because of you we can enjoy another day of freedom!
Much Love and Summer Fun, Alysha