This is going to be a funny story someday, so it is so worth documenting, but will not be shared till Britan decides to enter the world. SO here we go........
Thursday, July 21st, the 2nd hottest day of the Summer and I am 38 weeks pregnant on this day. By this point I thought that I would have a baby considering Bryson was already 2 weeks old when I was suppose to be 38 weeks pregnant with him. However, at this moment Little Miss is not making much effort to meet her family! On this day, I had a couple more things I wanted to mark off the "to do list", surprising I know, I really wanted to go to this baby sale in Charlotte and attend Bryson's last t ball game of the season. All week I kept thinking....I am bored out of mind and the day that I have plans to do something then she is going to come...........
Well, Bryson and I got up early on this Thursday, got ready and waited for a friend that was going to ride with me to Charlotte just in case I went into labor I would have someone other than my 5 year old to drive me home. So we made it to the sale and made it home by lunch time. Bryson and I had an afternoon nap and we waited for Brooks so we could go to the t ball game.....that afternoon though something didn't feel the same and by the time we left for the game, I was for sure having constant CONTRACTIONS!!!!!!! My dad came to the game, so I sat there through each of them acting as if nothing was wrong b/c he is a bit of a worrier (like me) and I didn't want to worry I sat there having contractions about every 5 minutes..not much pain, just something for sure going on! Bryson's friend asked us to go to dinner at Laney's Fish Camp and I really didn't care at that point if I was in labor or not b/c I wanted one last GOOD meal before Britan's BIG being the crazy person I am convinced Brooks I was fine and we went to eat with the Gaither's.
On our way (another 20 mins further from home and the hospital) I called my mom b/c the plan was when its time, she was to jump in the car and get here as fast as she could to take care of Bryson. Everyday that I talked to her for the past week...her 1st question has been "any pains" well this time...the answer was YES....I don't think she took me seriously at 1st, but she quickly realized it wasn't a joke! She proceeded to tell me that she would be on her way as soon as she dropped my 17 year old brother, Lane, off at the Emergency Room b/c they thought he had broken his hand......For those that know him, this is not a big shocker that he was going to the ER b/c he has made several trips in his lifetime for various reasons, but this one was a funny (now) reason....he works at Sonic, as a cook, but he decided that he wanted learn to roller skate, so he was practicing across 17 in NMB. Those who don't know what this is the largest highway in the beach area....lots of traffic....well on his adventure as he got to the sidewalk he tripped and fell and broke his hand!! dropped him off at the ER, had my other brother go and pick him up and headed for Statesville about 10pm on this lovely Thursday!
By the time mom was 1/2 way and we had eaten dinner.....Miss Britan decided she didn't really want to come out and the contractions that lasted for a couple of hours at 5 minutes apart had subsided. Mom got here at 2:45 one knew she was coming and no one still knows that she was here, unless they saw us out. Friday rolls around and still nothing from Britan, so we got ready and went walked the Statesville Mall (that should tell you how desperate I was to get her out)....then we got pineapple juice and raspberry tea (2 things we were told that would start labor)...we went home for a bit and I drink both of the juices...then we went to Hickory for some Mexican food (another supposed labor inducer) and walked around the Hickory Mall. So by 8 I was exhausted, BUT still nothing.
Saturday has come and is quickly going and there is still NO sign that this baby is coming out! Mom went home today to check on my brothers and wait for the next call...when we will hopefully be in LABOR! I have re-cleaned the house today...mopped, vacuumed, cleaned walls, washed all the clothes and still NOTHING! I am hopeful that one day SOON we will have a baby and I will be able to laugh about this crazy story, but for the time being....I will continue to wonder if Britan is ever coming OUT!!!!!
Thursday, July 21st, the 2nd hottest day of the Summer and I am 38 weeks pregnant on this day. By this point I thought that I would have a baby considering Bryson was already 2 weeks old when I was suppose to be 38 weeks pregnant with him. However, at this moment Little Miss is not making much effort to meet her family! On this day, I had a couple more things I wanted to mark off the "to do list", surprising I know, I really wanted to go to this baby sale in Charlotte and attend Bryson's last t ball game of the season. All week I kept thinking....I am bored out of mind and the day that I have plans to do something then she is going to come...........
Well, Bryson and I got up early on this Thursday, got ready and waited for a friend that was going to ride with me to Charlotte just in case I went into labor I would have someone other than my 5 year old to drive me home. So we made it to the sale and made it home by lunch time. Bryson and I had an afternoon nap and we waited for Brooks so we could go to the t ball game.....that afternoon though something didn't feel the same and by the time we left for the game, I was for sure having constant CONTRACTIONS!!!!!!! My dad came to the game, so I sat there through each of them acting as if nothing was wrong b/c he is a bit of a worrier (like me) and I didn't want to worry I sat there having contractions about every 5 minutes..not much pain, just something for sure going on! Bryson's friend asked us to go to dinner at Laney's Fish Camp and I really didn't care at that point if I was in labor or not b/c I wanted one last GOOD meal before Britan's BIG being the crazy person I am convinced Brooks I was fine and we went to eat with the Gaither's.
On our way (another 20 mins further from home and the hospital) I called my mom b/c the plan was when its time, she was to jump in the car and get here as fast as she could to take care of Bryson. Everyday that I talked to her for the past week...her 1st question has been "any pains" well this time...the answer was YES....I don't think she took me seriously at 1st, but she quickly realized it wasn't a joke! She proceeded to tell me that she would be on her way as soon as she dropped my 17 year old brother, Lane, off at the Emergency Room b/c they thought he had broken his hand......For those that know him, this is not a big shocker that he was going to the ER b/c he has made several trips in his lifetime for various reasons, but this one was a funny (now) reason....he works at Sonic, as a cook, but he decided that he wanted learn to roller skate, so he was practicing across 17 in NMB. Those who don't know what this is the largest highway in the beach area....lots of traffic....well on his adventure as he got to the sidewalk he tripped and fell and broke his hand!! dropped him off at the ER, had my other brother go and pick him up and headed for Statesville about 10pm on this lovely Thursday!
By the time mom was 1/2 way and we had eaten dinner.....Miss Britan decided she didn't really want to come out and the contractions that lasted for a couple of hours at 5 minutes apart had subsided. Mom got here at 2:45 one knew she was coming and no one still knows that she was here, unless they saw us out. Friday rolls around and still nothing from Britan, so we got ready and went walked the Statesville Mall (that should tell you how desperate I was to get her out)....then we got pineapple juice and raspberry tea (2 things we were told that would start labor)...we went home for a bit and I drink both of the juices...then we went to Hickory for some Mexican food (another supposed labor inducer) and walked around the Hickory Mall. So by 8 I was exhausted, BUT still nothing.
Saturday has come and is quickly going and there is still NO sign that this baby is coming out! Mom went home today to check on my brothers and wait for the next call...when we will hopefully be in LABOR! I have re-cleaned the house today...mopped, vacuumed, cleaned walls, washed all the clothes and still NOTHING! I am hopeful that one day SOON we will have a baby and I will be able to laugh about this crazy story, but for the time being....I will continue to wonder if Britan is ever coming OUT!!!!!