I am not even sure where to begin...but be advised this will be long because I have a lot that I need to jot down....so in 5 months this will all be cherished memories. Hold on for the ride because I am going to go back 3 weeks ago, which feels like 3 months ago and try to catch up on my crazy life!!!!!
The week Britan came home my mom was here and things seemed to be crazy, but I was hopeful that life would settle quickly....I am still waiting, but I have to say that today may be that turning point. That week many other family and friends came by to see our baby piglet, but honestly at this point I can't remember everyone so I will leave it at that. Britan's 1st weekend adventure consisted of school shopping for Bryson, signing Bryson up for soccer and a new laptop for us (this should be noted....for some reason this new computer doesn't automatically tell me if I have misspelled something, so if you find misspelled words, bad grammar, wrong punctuation...please know my sleep these day is about 3-4 hours a day and right now my brain can not handle proper English...maybe one day soon????). Britan's 2nd week Brooks' dad and family came to meet our sweet girl.....so we did some catching up with them while the kids played. This week is when our little girl decided that getting up every hour of the day was going to be her style even we tried to disagree. Her 2nd weekend we went to the beach, so her uncles could meet her and to celebrate my 30th Birthday!!! I kept telling everyone that I wanted a 30th surprise party like Brooks had last year (I was only kidding when I made this joke) so since we were at the beach my mom decided my 30th surprise bday party would be celebrated at the new Pirate's Voyage (the old Dixie Stampede) with 1,000's of attendants (maybe it was 100's)......I did get a Birthday shout out in front of the crowd...so the party was a success. Bryson loved the show and the food was great and Britan was named the youngest pirate to attend....so my party was a FUN even if all those people had no clue who I was. Last week is kind of a blur at this point....my bday was on Wednesday and my sweet boys got me a birthstone bracelet with all of our families birthstones and they even got Britan her 1st pair of diamond earrings (still trying to decide when to get her ears pierced). We went out for lunch that day and Brooks watched Britan while Bryson and I went for a much needed swim. AND we will celebrate my bday again over Spring Break when Britan is old enough to take a ride on the BIG BOAT to the Bahamas as long as Irene doesn't destroy the Island!!!!!! Friday night we went to Kobes with my dad to celebrate mine and Brooks' Birthdays. Saturday morning we put the 30 $1 bills, the Deane's kindly gave me for my bday, to good use by yard saleing!!! Brooks for some reason has become fascinated with yard sales and what great deals he can find....which this past weekend was a pretty good one...Brooks, Bryson and myself are now the proud owners of our own sets of golf clubs aka Brooks' new hobby! Keep in mind my sweet girl still is not sleeping at this point....we are up several times a night and she can't seem to get comfortable in her sleep....unless its during the day....that sums up the past 3 weeks....now onto this very important week.........
Monday the kids and I (kids still sounds weird to me) went to Hickory to find me some clothes that fit (fit for now, but hopefully not for long) and Britan was so good and Bryson was the BEST helper. So Tuesday I thought I would try it again and we went to the Statesville Mall just to find me a shirt.....MISTAKE! I ended up feeding Britan in the dressing room and she continued to cry while I tried to check out all while all the rude people stared.....maybe its the Statesville Belk Store that I should avoid...there is always someone being rude in there! That afternoon, we on the East Coast, experienced an earthquake....and I will admit how blonde I really am....Bryson and I were watching iCarly and they had some huge instrument that they made and it was shaking and singing all at once...and then the house started shaking....I thought wow, that is strange the house is shaking in beat with the instrument on TV...I know that's bad! We then got ready and went to Open House for my baby (BIG) boy to meet his teachers and introduce his sister to all of my SP family. Thankfully I was a little distracted by all of the attention on Britan that I didn't focus too much on the fact that Bryson is actually starting his school career and there is not turning back from here!
Yesterday, Britan had a doctor's appointment with a new doctor at 9 am, so I got up with Brooks and got everyone ready and was even 15 minutes early (I was impressed). When I was getting little miss dressed I noticed this weird new noise...kind of a scary noise...kind of gasping. She did it a couple of times and then stopped so I didn't think too much about it. When we got to the doctor I took her clothes off to see how much she weighed and she started the noise again by this point I was about to freak out, but I was thankful we were at the doctor. Piglet weighed in at 10lbs!!!!! and 22 inches long, so she is for sure eating and growing. The doctor came in during her new noise and said that it could be narrowing of the esophagus....so I stood there trying not to freak out while he checked her and I explained our experience at the hospital...they said she had an episode of reflux, they "thought" and wanted to put her on meds...so we did that for a week and then went back for a checkup and we were told to discontinue the meds...still with no really reason or explanation as to whether it was for sure reflux or not. I have read 100 things on the Internet and she does have some of the signs, but not all and not all of the time. So the new doctor checked her oxygen level (scared me terribly) said he thought she should be back on the meds and to come back in a week...so I ran home...calling Brooks crying because something could be seriously wrong with her breathing if its not reflux...I told him I needed him to come home, so thankfully he did. I gave her her meds right away and tried to figure out if this is reflux or some other more serious issue. She has now been back on it for 24 hours and she still seems fussy, but the weird noise has not been back since yesterday, so I pray that we are in the process of fixing that problem. Also, I should note that she has gone to bed at midnight the past 4 days, gotten up at 2ish and 5ish and then sleeping till after 8, so I am hopeful that she is in the process of finding a new routine and that maybe soon with this reflux thing being the diagnosis she will work her way into only one time a night!! I had planned on having a fun, last day with Bryson, but it was more so filled with tears and fears of what could be wrong with our perfect little girl!
So here we are (finally is what I am sure you are thinking) August 25th, 2011 Bryson's 1st day of Kindergarten!!!!!! I still really believe God knew exactly what he was doing last year this time when we lost our other baby....he knew that I needed to be a mom and not a teacher for Bryson's 1st few weeks of school. He knew that Bryson and I both needed time to adjust to our new lives without one another. Today would not have been so hard for me if I had been at work, but I think it made him stronger doing this new BIG thing on his own!! SO the only tears that I have shed today (except for right now) were when I got him up this morning and realized his life is forever changed with this new day! We got him up early and had breakfast as a family of 4 and then took him off to Kindergarten!! He made sure to whisper in his sister's ear that he was going to school today because deep down I think he was excited to see what was in store for him! We were the 3rd ones in the room and the 1st ones to leave with a hug, a kiss, a smile and a wave good bye from our sweet boy! I am very anxious to pick him up, but I am sure his day has been excellent!
That pretty much sums up the chaos I feel that I have been trying to survive the past few weeks....Brooks said this morning he feels like he has accomplished nothing at work and that he is barely treading water...and I feel the exact same way! And y'all know that I don't survive well on chaos!!!!!! I have to say anyone with more than one kid....is my hero...because it was way more than I ever expected...as much as I tried to prepare...my mind, body and house were in no way prepared for our new life.....although I wouldn't change it for the world!!! OKAY! I am DONE! I have to go pick up a school boy ;) Sorry again its so long, but I really needed this moment to myself!!!! Hope you all are well and if your babies went to school today, I hope it was a GREAT day for them and you! Hopefully I will be back soon because hopefully life is slowing down into some sort of routine......Much Love To YOU :) Alysha
PS: To those that I haven't returned emails, text messages or phone calls to....I am sorry and I am still in the process of sending thank you cards to many of you....so hold on it will be there soon!!! Please know that I appreciate everything that everyone has done....I just haven't been able to show it!
The week Britan came home my mom was here and things seemed to be crazy, but I was hopeful that life would settle quickly....I am still waiting, but I have to say that today may be that turning point. That week many other family and friends came by to see our baby piglet, but honestly at this point I can't remember everyone so I will leave it at that. Britan's 1st weekend adventure consisted of school shopping for Bryson, signing Bryson up for soccer and a new laptop for us (this should be noted....for some reason this new computer doesn't automatically tell me if I have misspelled something, so if you find misspelled words, bad grammar, wrong punctuation...please know my sleep these day is about 3-4 hours a day and right now my brain can not handle proper English...maybe one day soon????). Britan's 2nd week Brooks' dad and family came to meet our sweet girl.....so we did some catching up with them while the kids played. This week is when our little girl decided that getting up every hour of the day was going to be her style even we tried to disagree. Her 2nd weekend we went to the beach, so her uncles could meet her and to celebrate my 30th Birthday!!! I kept telling everyone that I wanted a 30th surprise party like Brooks had last year (I was only kidding when I made this joke) so since we were at the beach my mom decided my 30th surprise bday party would be celebrated at the new Pirate's Voyage (the old Dixie Stampede) with 1,000's of attendants (maybe it was 100's)......I did get a Birthday shout out in front of the crowd...so the party was a success. Bryson loved the show and the food was great and Britan was named the youngest pirate to attend....so my party was a FUN even if all those people had no clue who I was. Last week is kind of a blur at this point....my bday was on Wednesday and my sweet boys got me a birthstone bracelet with all of our families birthstones and they even got Britan her 1st pair of diamond earrings (still trying to decide when to get her ears pierced). We went out for lunch that day and Brooks watched Britan while Bryson and I went for a much needed swim. AND we will celebrate my bday again over Spring Break when Britan is old enough to take a ride on the BIG BOAT to the Bahamas as long as Irene doesn't destroy the Island!!!!!! Friday night we went to Kobes with my dad to celebrate mine and Brooks' Birthdays. Saturday morning we put the 30 $1 bills, the Deane's kindly gave me for my bday, to good use by yard saleing!!! Brooks for some reason has become fascinated with yard sales and what great deals he can find....which this past weekend was a pretty good one...Brooks, Bryson and myself are now the proud owners of our own sets of golf clubs aka Brooks' new hobby! Keep in mind my sweet girl still is not sleeping at this point....we are up several times a night and she can't seem to get comfortable in her sleep....unless its during the day....that sums up the past 3 weeks....now onto this very important week.........
Monday the kids and I (kids still sounds weird to me) went to Hickory to find me some clothes that fit (fit for now, but hopefully not for long) and Britan was so good and Bryson was the BEST helper. So Tuesday I thought I would try it again and we went to the Statesville Mall just to find me a shirt.....MISTAKE! I ended up feeding Britan in the dressing room and she continued to cry while I tried to check out all while all the rude people stared.....maybe its the Statesville Belk Store that I should avoid...there is always someone being rude in there! That afternoon, we on the East Coast, experienced an earthquake....and I will admit how blonde I really am....Bryson and I were watching iCarly and they had some huge instrument that they made and it was shaking and singing all at once...and then the house started shaking....I thought wow, that is strange the house is shaking in beat with the instrument on TV...I know that's bad! We then got ready and went to Open House for my baby (BIG) boy to meet his teachers and introduce his sister to all of my SP family. Thankfully I was a little distracted by all of the attention on Britan that I didn't focus too much on the fact that Bryson is actually starting his school career and there is not turning back from here!
Yesterday, Britan had a doctor's appointment with a new doctor at 9 am, so I got up with Brooks and got everyone ready and was even 15 minutes early (I was impressed). When I was getting little miss dressed I noticed this weird new noise...kind of a scary noise...kind of gasping. She did it a couple of times and then stopped so I didn't think too much about it. When we got to the doctor I took her clothes off to see how much she weighed and she started the noise again by this point I was about to freak out, but I was thankful we were at the doctor. Piglet weighed in at 10lbs!!!!! and 22 inches long, so she is for sure eating and growing. The doctor came in during her new noise and said that it could be narrowing of the esophagus....so I stood there trying not to freak out while he checked her and I explained our experience at the hospital...they said she had an episode of reflux, they "thought" and wanted to put her on meds...so we did that for a week and then went back for a checkup and we were told to discontinue the meds...still with no really reason or explanation as to whether it was for sure reflux or not. I have read 100 things on the Internet and she does have some of the signs, but not all and not all of the time. So the new doctor checked her oxygen level (scared me terribly) said he thought she should be back on the meds and to come back in a week...so I ran home...calling Brooks crying because something could be seriously wrong with her breathing if its not reflux...I told him I needed him to come home, so thankfully he did. I gave her her meds right away and tried to figure out if this is reflux or some other more serious issue. She has now been back on it for 24 hours and she still seems fussy, but the weird noise has not been back since yesterday, so I pray that we are in the process of fixing that problem. Also, I should note that she has gone to bed at midnight the past 4 days, gotten up at 2ish and 5ish and then sleeping till after 8, so I am hopeful that she is in the process of finding a new routine and that maybe soon with this reflux thing being the diagnosis she will work her way into only one time a night!! I had planned on having a fun, last day with Bryson, but it was more so filled with tears and fears of what could be wrong with our perfect little girl!
So here we are (finally is what I am sure you are thinking) August 25th, 2011 Bryson's 1st day of Kindergarten!!!!!! I still really believe God knew exactly what he was doing last year this time when we lost our other baby....he knew that I needed to be a mom and not a teacher for Bryson's 1st few weeks of school. He knew that Bryson and I both needed time to adjust to our new lives without one another. Today would not have been so hard for me if I had been at work, but I think it made him stronger doing this new BIG thing on his own!! SO the only tears that I have shed today (except for right now) were when I got him up this morning and realized his life is forever changed with this new day! We got him up early and had breakfast as a family of 4 and then took him off to Kindergarten!! He made sure to whisper in his sister's ear that he was going to school today because deep down I think he was excited to see what was in store for him! We were the 3rd ones in the room and the 1st ones to leave with a hug, a kiss, a smile and a wave good bye from our sweet boy! I am very anxious to pick him up, but I am sure his day has been excellent!
That pretty much sums up the chaos I feel that I have been trying to survive the past few weeks....Brooks said this morning he feels like he has accomplished nothing at work and that he is barely treading water...and I feel the exact same way! And y'all know that I don't survive well on chaos!!!!!! I have to say anyone with more than one kid....is my hero...because it was way more than I ever expected...as much as I tried to prepare...my mind, body and house were in no way prepared for our new life.....although I wouldn't change it for the world!!! OKAY! I am DONE! I have to go pick up a school boy ;) Sorry again its so long, but I really needed this moment to myself!!!! Hope you all are well and if your babies went to school today, I hope it was a GREAT day for them and you! Hopefully I will be back soon because hopefully life is slowing down into some sort of routine......Much Love To YOU :) Alysha
PS: To those that I haven't returned emails, text messages or phone calls to....I am sorry and I am still in the process of sending thank you cards to many of you....so hold on it will be there soon!!! Please know that I appreciate everything that everyone has done....I just haven't been able to show it!