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A more positive outlook!

In case you don't know me by now...let me share with you....I do not like to be a negative, stressed person and to be honest I feel like I have been for weeks and its starting to drag me down. You probably know that my life is pretty straight forward and neatly laid house is organized and my desk at work is usually cleared. I do realize that this is also known as OCD and maybe its some form of craziness on whatever spectrum you would like to call it. I know these things about me and I know that when they are not this way...I am not the way I should be! I do not do these silly things to make others happy, I do these silly things to make my life less stressful. I make to-do lists so that I can bask in the glory of everything being checked off. I don't do clutter or piles of "stuff" sitting around...everything has a place and reason and it should be in its place or used for its reason! 

So there you go...a little background about my silly ways of thinking and my ridiculousness to have my house in order and my work completed, if not before, by the deadline....which brings me to where my mind has been in the last few weeks.....I should know this by now because it happens every year.....SUMMER is coming, which brings an ENORMOUS smile to my face :) BUT before I can let myself get wrapped up in morning swims at the Y, free movie Tuesdays, (maybe) several trips to the beach (depends on Britan) and of course our BEST gift of the summer Miss Britan herself.....I must 1st mark off a mile long to do list at work! I love my job and I strive for perfection in that as well and these days I feel far, far from perfection! I have struggled with several job requires high levels of confidentiality due to the precious pupils I work with daily therefore, I can't share much information, but I have to say that I have struggled in recent weeks with certain issues more than any of the other 7 years I have been teaching. I am praying that next Friday, which is April 1st, which means April 1st Headcount is due to the EC department, will get here quickly and all of "this" stress will be over. Today I hit a low point, but I found my way out of it with one of the issues at work, so I am hopeful and thankful that my weekend can start out a little less stressed.....

My weekend has begun b/c tomorrow is a workday and I fortunately cleared my to-do list, which means I am staying home!!! Brooks will also be home tomorrow (for those that read last week, I approved for him to take the day off without kicking and screaming about it). He is going to school with Bryson in the morning for "Dad's Day" and then my husband and I have a date at the YMCA with possible lunch to follow....Side Note: I am continuing to workout b/c it makes me feel better and I hoping that it will decrease my chance of a repeat of preclampsia AND I am also continuing to workout b/c I am not fond of all of the OMG your HUGE already comments.....Are you sure your not due before August??......There has to be more than one!!!! Sorry people, but these are not the nicest things to say to a pregnant woman....I realize that I am already larger than I was with Bryson, but I also know that I am taking much better care of myself, I am a little over 1/2 way there at this point (and she does have to grow), and this is my 2nd, so please feel free to rub my belly and say how cute it is, but please don't tell me how RIDICULOUSLY big I am...b/c I realize....NOTHING from Bryson's pregnancy fits....I get it....I am large....I don't need the reminders!! (sorry that was a large side note). After our date.....I may get my nails done, visit a sweet brand new baby girl, and send the boys racing...and come home and be alone... :) 

I am hoping that I am in control of regaining my positive outlook b/c I have missed it so! I hope that your week has been good to you and that you are enjoying the spring sunshine as much as I am!

 Love and Fun To You For The Weekend! Alysha

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