WOW! Its been tooo long! I have been trying to write for awhile now, but 2 things have stood in my way....writer's block and life! My last blog way back when was about memories and that is what the Derting's have been doing...making memories.
At this would take days to catch up the past few months, so I will try and hit some highlights.......
Our sweet Britan Rae will be 5 months tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl. She LOVES to eat...everything and anything you put near her mouth, but she still doesn't LOVE to sleep. She is very entertaining at this stage and has met and surpassed many of the developmental milestones for her age. She LOVES her big brother and he is pretty smitten by her as well. We love this sweet, smiley girl that honestly we can't remember life without!!
Our big boy Bryson will be 6 in less than 2 months. Which means party planning has begun at the Derting's! He LOVES school....and I LOVE to see him while I am working!! He seems to be adjusting very well to his new school career and his new sister. Bryson had a speaking part in the Christmas Concert and he actually DID front of LOTS of people! He is definitely coming out of his shell. We love our handsome young man and we couldn't ask for a better big brother!
Brooks and I have just been running around like always...trying to accomplish my never ending to do list! We were at the beach the other day and he wanted to go look at the Christmas Clearance stuff at Wal~Mart....once we got there I asked him what the big deal was....considering it was 9 pm, he said he just wanted a minute, just the 2 of us, even if was just to Wal~Mart, right across the street, for just 30 minutes ;)
I really wanted to write one more time for the roller coaster of a year 2011......but I hope that once the holidays are over and life settles just a little bit, I will be able to write more. We have lots to be thankful for from this year and we hope that life will continue to happen just the way it is!
I hope that you have had a wonderful few months....I hope Christmas was grand....and that the New Year will be spectacular!
Much love to you until next time, Alysha
At this would take days to catch up the past few months, so I will try and hit some highlights.......
Our sweet Britan Rae will be 5 months tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl. She LOVES to eat...everything and anything you put near her mouth, but she still doesn't LOVE to sleep. She is very entertaining at this stage and has met and surpassed many of the developmental milestones for her age. She LOVES her big brother and he is pretty smitten by her as well. We love this sweet, smiley girl that honestly we can't remember life without!!
Our big boy Bryson will be 6 in less than 2 months. Which means party planning has begun at the Derting's! He LOVES school....and I LOVE to see him while I am working!! He seems to be adjusting very well to his new school career and his new sister. Bryson had a speaking part in the Christmas Concert and he actually DID front of LOTS of people! He is definitely coming out of his shell. We love our handsome young man and we couldn't ask for a better big brother!
Brooks and I have just been running around like always...trying to accomplish my never ending to do list! We were at the beach the other day and he wanted to go look at the Christmas Clearance stuff at Wal~Mart....once we got there I asked him what the big deal was....considering it was 9 pm, he said he just wanted a minute, just the 2 of us, even if was just to Wal~Mart, right across the street, for just 30 minutes ;)
I hope that you have had a wonderful few months....I hope Christmas was grand....and that the New Year will be spectacular!
Much love to you until next time, Alysha