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Showing posts from 2013

Needing to catch up.....

We all know by now that this blog adventure is used for my personal self-reflection.....its been a little while now so here it goes...... I realize that I only blog when I want to vent about something or I need to relieve some you can see its been awhile...which tells venting or stress relief needed, but I did want to update on life as a Derting from the past few weeks and the coming weeks ahead.... I will start with the fact that we are crazier than ever, but it is better than it has ever been.....Soccer is quickly coming to an end for the high school boys and Bryson's team....which went undefeated this season with a total of 48 goals in 6 games....and my B had 10 (insert-Proud Soccer Mom) weekend we will celebrate the little warriors successful season with Bryson's 1st sleepover all 9 soccer boys under one room for one night......ask me next Saturday, if there will be more?!?! Bryson is enjoying school a lot more these days as well, so much t...

Sustaining Balance...

I have been pondering posting for a few weeks.....but there has been no time to get my thoughts in one place for long enough to make a post.....the word that kept coming to mind was BALANCE.....we have got to find it.....we hit the ground running 3 weeks ago and we haven't stopped.....and there is no end in sight..... I started this post on Sunday, but couldn't get it in the right direction, so I put it down and thought I will do it tomorrow once the week starts and I have a good feeling about how things might go this week.....GOOD thing I didn't pick this up yesterday b/c I needed today to find the balance I have been seeking......had I based it off of yesterday's experiences it wouldn't have been a true reflection of how my new life has been going.... I can't say enough how much I love my new job, it is a HUGE push daily to keep up with emails, who said what, who needs what and when and even what school will I be at today....I used to be an organized perso...

The whirlwind begins!

I am not even sure where to start....I feel like summer break was years ago and that I am in the full time working routine and I have only worked 13 days.......I have said all summer I will not believe this is all true until Bryson is sitting in a classroom and I have my 1st pay check, so tomorrow this should all be OFFICIAL!!! At this point I am happy to have a minute to sit and reflect on the changes that have occurred over the past 2 weeks... I feel like we are running full speed and there is no end in sight....I love my job and I am learning daily what the defined role truly is...I hope that I will get a handle on everything that needs to be done before too long, but right now, I am managing day to day.... My job so far is LOTS of emails with concerns, questions, how to, what do I do....which is totally fine, I just don't have all the answers yet...I have been to all of my schools this week and then some (I totaled 9 Tuesday and 10 yesterday) so once the running is over I...

Change can be a GOOD thing!

WOW! That word sums up the ride that we have been riding all summer.....SO many changes, SO little time, and SO happy and excited about them ALL! Thinking back to this time last year and how depressed I was about going back to work and how I skipped the 1st workday just to have one more day with the kids....and now today....I LOVE my job! And how 8 (short) weeks ago I was devastated that I had been moved to another school and thinking how am I ever going to overcome this....and NOW look! One thing the EC Director & Associate Superindents said to me the day I left for summer break that speaks volumes to me now "have you been praying for a change"..."yes"......their response "well here ya go".....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This is the exact change I have been praying for!!!!!!!! SO we ALL are making new transitions this's a rundown..... Brooks: BECAME a Co-Director of the WISA soccer program last week......meaning we are ON...

~Happy 2nd Birthday & 2 Weeks Britan~

I really wanted to share some of Britan's highlights from the past year and her party before now....BUT been a little crazy.... Our Sweet, Hilarious, Outgoing, Not Completely Bald Anymore, Amazing, Little Girl turned 2, 2 weeks ago! This little bundle of joy makes us laugh about something daily! She is so independent and outgoing and the complete opposite of her brother. Here are some of her highlights from the past year.....ENJOY....I hope she will one day!! Carrigan Farms  14 months old   Her 2nd Halloween as a Peacock 15 months     Britan has been a good eater since day 1!! Just sometimes its not the healthiest!!     Christmas Morning! Very bald in this pic... She loves babies and the stuff that comes with them!     Her 1st snow, as you can tell it was a REAL blizzard! 18 months old     She's a shopper...her daddy is in serious trouble!!     19 months old we ...

Still a Warrior....but now there's more!

I want to start with a quote that I wish I had seen about 6 weeks ago...but it now makes complete sense why I have stumbled upon it now.... "If God shuts a door, stop banging on it! Trust that whatever is behind it is not meant for you" As most know my sweet, amazing husband surprised me with a little TN getaway 3 weeks ago...which was the day that I shared with the (fb) world my NEW job at West! I was SUPER excited for the chance to go back to where I came from and begin a new chapter of my life with hope that this would be a way in the door in ISS! Well, most don't know that I have been applying and interviewing for a position in Alexander and ISS for about 4 years....I have been on 6 interviews for this same this time last year in ISS, one in November in AC and 1 AGAIN in ISS in May. Every time I felt like I was getting a little closer to this "next step" in my career path, but every time was not the right time. This is a position that mo...

I am a WARRIOR.....again!!!

Today is finally the day! I am excited to say that I will be working at West Iredell High School in the Fall. There have been many emotions and lots of paperwork involved in this new challenge! I interviewed for this position 3 weeks was a great interview with one of my high school teachers that is now the AP and any EC teacher...loved them both and we talked the whole time about who is still at West and who is new and how the school has was a nice long conversation and I left thinking it would be nice to be here but I have got to keep in mind if I am not meant to be then I have to start embracing East. I decided to let it go and not worry and waste my time with the kids thinking about work. A week went by and I hadn't heard anything....last Monday morning I got a call from the AP at West and he said he thinks its a "good fit" and offered me the job! I accepted and was excited but still nervous for the process to actually be over...he called the...

The Dertings DO overcome!

I am sitting here on the couch looking out the window, stressed by the mess on the floor, but knowing how much I have learned this week about myself, true friends, the meaning of POWER and how dang much we take for granted….. I will say that this has probably been one of the most trying weeks of my life…..BUT I do realize in that how much of a blessed life I have led if this is all that has made my life trying…. I had a VERY negative post ready to post on Wednesday, but since the rest of this week has been as eventful as the beginning of the week…that anger and that post will stay in draft mode b/c honestly it isn’t worth it! Most know by my last entry that I have been moved to a new school ….I will not share all of my emotions about this b/c it could take days considering its been days and I still feel hurt, angry, upset, annoyed…the list goes on, but I will stop there….. I will say that it was not by choice nor did I ask for a transfer, so the shock on Monday morning’...

I started a new chapter of life today..................................

I am saddened to be writing this next line and tears stream down face as they have all day long....I was told today that I will no longer be at Stony Point. I have been "reassigned" to East Alexander Middle School. You know me well enough by now to know that the only way I process my emotions is through this here it goes..... I am so sad to be leaving behind my Bryson and the daily memories I will be missing out on (insert MANY tears here)...... I am so sad to be leaving kids that I have watched grow for 6 years of my career.... I am so sad to be leaving a staff that I love as my own family..... I am so sad to be leaving behind a school that I love more than any school I have ever stepped foot in..... I am so sad to be leaving the familiar for the unknown..... I like to have control of my life and in this situation I feel as if I have lost complete control which is probably the part that saddens me the most..... I know that there so many worse things in ...

Found the positives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been 1 week since my negative post....and although its not been totally deleted, I did feel the need to just share it on my blog......and to remove it from FB.....(1st post I have ever been convicted to remove) As its getting late and I would rather be going to bed...something is pushing me to write...however this time I feel like this is going to go in a more positive direction..... Last Thursday, after my post and running till dark...I still felt NEGATIVE....I wasn't myself and nothing went came on Friday and we decided to get in the car and drive away on Saturday....probably the best decision I made all of last was nice to get away from every thing and forget that I was so negative for 24 also helped that we did a little shopping too ;) I have had a better week, the to-do list looks manageable, and I have been on top of the 20 minute chores this week....which somehow makes me feel like I am on top of the world...... HOWEVER I h...

It's been too long...

I have found myself being way too negative lately and the way I like to clear that negativity is to write...I am not sure where this is going and no clue how it will end up, but I can only hope that my mood will be more positive by the back out now if you don't want me to be real...... This is the crazy time of year that my job starts to wear on me...and as the days drag on this year is no different.....testing season is so close, deadlines are closing in, and lets face it everyone is ready for the END..... I was so negative at the beginning of the year and tried really hard to figure out why and I truly think now that it was my intuition preparing me for a trying year (probably my hardest to date).....I feel like I have not been on top of any thing all to-do lists never go away (if you know me, you know this kills me), problems walk through the door 14 times a day...and then Monday night I said to Brooks I think I can see the end...and as soon as I say tha...

Bryson's Birthday Cruise & what the Dertings have been up to....

It is hard to believe that one month ago we were sitting on a fancy boat enjoying a magical dinner..... Bryson wanted nothing more than to celebrate his 7th Birthday on the Disney Boat the that is just what we did! We drove down late on Wednesday afternoon, picked mom up on the way and headed south for Port thing about the Disney boat it only docks for the Bahamas in FL and maybe TX. So as we enter Daytona about midnight Britan decided to THROW UP everywhere.....pulled over stripped her, drove some more and it happened AGAIN...and one more time after this point it was Valentine's Day and we FINALLY made it to the hotel for the night.... On the shuttle :) She seemed fine the next day...although I didn't....but we took the shuttle and went to check in only to be greeted by Sailor Mickey and Minnie! Check in was quick and easy and after our pictures with Minnie we boarded the boat with a grand entrance as they announced our names an...

My DEBT secret confusion!

This is my dirty little secret confusion that I would have been humiliated to share this time last year, BUT I am very excited to share the Dertings LIFE changing year with you today......(although there is still a HUGE part of me that can't believe I am getting ready to share this with the world considering NO ONE has known about this) One year ago, TODAY, we were going to TN to celebrate Bryson's Birthday a little early at Wilderness of the was also his Valentine's Dance at school and I was pretty excited for the weekend to begin......BUT then Brooks called me at work and said to call him immediately.... I did and my HUGE secret was out and honestly it felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders although I could hear the anger in his voice and I honestly didn't know if he would divorce me or not........but it felt good knowing that the lies were out and OVER! I had always balanced our checkbook and had always been in charge of the money b/c ...