I really wanted to share some of Britan's highlights from the past year and her party before now....BUT been a little crazy....
Our Sweet, Hilarious, Outgoing, Not Completely Bald Anymore, Amazing, Little Girl turned 2, 2 weeks ago! This little bundle of joy makes us laugh about something daily! She is so independent and outgoing and the complete opposite of her brother.
Here are some of her highlights from the past year.....ENJOY....I hope she will one day!!
Our Sweet, Hilarious, Outgoing, Not Completely Bald Anymore, Amazing, Little Girl turned 2, 2 weeks ago! This little bundle of joy makes us laugh about something daily! She is so independent and outgoing and the complete opposite of her brother.
Here are some of her highlights from the past year.....ENJOY....I hope she will one day!!
Carrigan Farms
14 months old
Her 2nd Halloween as a Peacock
15 months
Britan has been a good eater since day 1!!
Just sometimes its not the healthiest!!
Christmas Morning!
Very bald in this pic...
She loves babies and the stuff that comes with them!
Her 1st snow, as you can tell it was a REAL blizzard!
18 months old
She's a shopper...her daddy is in serious trouble!!
19 months old we cruised with Mickey and Friends
She LOVED and still does ALL characters....
she walks up, turns around and says cheese!
20 months
With our world of soccer...there is no doubt she will play!
21 months old
Busted her lip at Tanglewood
Loves animals!
22 months old
She's a beach and water girl...took a little bit to love the sand, but she does now!
As you can see I can't leave her alone long b/c she will climb on anything...
Happy 2nd Birthday Britan Rae
Thanks to her Uncle Lane for making Hello Kitty come true!
We are thankful everyday for this sweet girl that we can call our very own Britan Rae! No time for proofing and much more to share about all the transitions the Derting's are making in this month of August....stay tuned.......
Much Love...Happy Wednesday....Alysha