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Still a Warrior....but now there's more!

I want to start with a quote that I wish I had seen about 6 weeks ago...but it now makes complete sense why I have stumbled upon it now....

"If God shuts a door, stop banging on it! Trust that whatever is behind it is not meant for you"

As most know my sweet, amazing husband surprised me with a little TN getaway 3 weeks ago...which was the day that I shared with the (fb) world my NEW job at West! I was SUPER excited for the chance to go back to where I came from and begin a new chapter of my life with hope that this would be a way in the door in ISS! Well, most don't know that I have been applying and interviewing for a position in Alexander and ISS for about 4 years....I have been on 6 interviews for this same this time last year in ISS, one in November in AC and 1 AGAIN in ISS in May.

Every time I felt like I was getting a little closer to this "next step" in my career path, but every time was not the right time. This is a position that most don't understand unless you have EC knowledge and most think would not be much fun staring at EC paperwork. The title of this position is Program Specialist. This position is designed for support of EC teachers at their schools, compliance with EC paperwork (there is LOTS of paperwork for EC teachers), and other things that I am not even sure of at this moment.....BUT I have ALWAYS said when I got my Masters that this was a job that I would, one day, want to determine whether or not I want to go further with my career....go back to school and get my doctorate in EC being the final goal. And as the years have passed and the kids are growing I have gotten comfortable with my job and the fact that there is no studying and pushing myself to do more......WELL after the past 6 weeks things have certainly comfort zone is GONE and probably will not return for some time!

Anyway....back to TN....the 2nd day we were there I said to Brooks...just let me check my email really quick....this is not that normal...I normally don't care that much about my email, but I wanted to check I opened it to find.............................................................Alysha, we have recently had a program specialist resign and if you are interested, the job is yours........................WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT......................HOW DID THIS HAPPEN...................WHAT DO I DO?..................................OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So our sweet little trip, took a little detour for a couple of hours while I processed the fact that on June 10th...I was assigned to a new position in AC....on July 1st I was offered a VERY exciting position at West........................and now on July 11th I have now been offered the PS position that I have so desperately been wanting for years.......................Please note I do realize HOW FORTUNATE I AM AND I AM MORE THAN GRATEFUL FOR THE CHANCE AT 1 JOB MUCH LESS 3! I had no idea when I walked out the doors of Stony Point in June what I was going to do...I knew that the new position I had been "reassigned" to was probably the best place other than SP for me in AC, but I still didn't have peace and felt the need to search further....

So now what...............I, in no way want to hurt West or the relationship that could be built there........b/c I have been on the other side of that fence (June 10th) and that side is not fun! I called the lady and told her of my paperwork was in the process at HR for West...she was very kind and said it will be a week before I get back to you about this situation...the lady in HR is on vacation and I don't know what to do..I understood...I was completely with her...NO clue what to do! SO I thought about it and prayed about it and had honestly let it go by midweek of that week...I was going to stick it out at West and be thankful for the opportunity they have given worries.....

And then Thursday morning came and a voicemail at 7:45 am....The EC Dept from ISS...give us a call......I put it off all morning....and even told Brooks when I call back I have a feeling I am going to midday I called back.....I had two apprehensions about this position 1) How will West react 2) What schools will I be at??? If I was going to be assigned to schools at the lake or North Iredell then this was a done deal...staying at West....I am not going to drive that far from home and that far from the kids..................SO I asked the million dollar question "what schools will I be assigned to"...there are 6...........among the 6 are West Middle, West High and SCOTTS.............................WELP DONE could I turn this down....this is the EXACT job that I have been dreaming about for 4 years...that close to home...the chance to still be at West....the chance to be with Bryson at Scotts!!!!!!

BUT West was still in the back of my mind...I told her I needed some time to talk to Brooks, pray A LOT and make things right with West..............................This has been a huge struggle for me and I have been back and forth with this for 2 weeks. I called lots of colleagues and friends and asked for advice....all of which said TAKE IT and then I called West and the AP wasn't there and was out till I waited till last Monday

8:00 am.....I spoke with the AP that had so kindly interviewed me and was kind to me and given me the opportunity to be at West.................I told her my situation and thankfully the conversation went ok....I completely understand that this is not a good scenario for them but I truly think that this has happened for a really good reason...........and I have promised that I will do the BEST job I can in this new position and I will still be a if you know any new EC Teachers out there or someone that maybe interested in working at a GREAT school let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally I think that I am ready to begin the new school year....every week of this summer break has been dealing with some sort of work related situations....I HOPE that this FINAL week of Summer for me will go really slowllllly and that we can have some downtime because we haven't all Summer. With the new position I will work 2 extra weeks....the week before teachers come back and the week after they leave for summer.

This is it....the next step....I am so excited and terrified to start this new journey...I closed a major door the other day, I got all of my stuff from SP and said good bye to 8 years of my career in AC. I am thankful for the experience and knowledge I gained while I was there and the friendships that I made......

I am truly grateful to begin this new journey of my career. I am excited to be taking the next step up the EC ladder, I am hopeful that I can be a good mentor, leader and helper to the EC teachers out there that I will be working with! AND I can't say thanks enough to West Iredell and ISS EC Department for believing in me and trusting me with 2 AMAZING positions!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading...............this should be it for the career roller coaster for a few years (I hope)!

Much Love, Alysha

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