I have been pondering posting for a few weeks.....but there has been no time to get my thoughts in one place for long enough to make a post.....the word that kept coming to mind was BALANCE.....we have got to find it.....we hit the ground running 3 weeks ago and we haven't stopped.....and there is no end in sight.....
I started this post on Sunday, but couldn't get it in the right direction, so I put it down and thought I will do it tomorrow once the week starts and I have a good feeling about how things might go this week.....GOOD thing I didn't pick this up yesterday b/c I needed today to find the balance I have been seeking......had I based it off of yesterday's experiences it wouldn't have been a true reflection of how my new life has been going....
I can't say enough how much I love my new job, it is a HUGE push daily to keep up with emails, who said what, who needs what and when and even what school will I be at today....I used to be an organized person and if you could see my work bag right now....you would understand the words "used to be"......
Although I left one school today feeling accomplished and drove to another and found more things that still needed my attention....the feeling is so rewarding, when one person says, "you have been helpful".....that is what this job is......being helpful, being human, being able to admit when I messed up, but also being able to share my passion and knowledge with others that need some encouragement.....I have 16 AMAZING teachers that I am working with weekly and they depend on my guidance and voice to share their concerns....I can only hope at the end of the day that I have succeed in making them feel worthy and needy as they truly are since they are the ones helping kids everyday.....
I am quite amazed at myself and how quickly I have forgotten what its like to juggle a teaching schedule....HELLO I was just there....3 months ago (with summer break included) but my word it feels like years ago.....(could be b/c last week felt like it lasted a whole entire year by its self)......
So BALANCE.....I am desperately seeking, some days more than others...but I have to remember that I am not alone....I have several EC teachers counting on me...some brand new, some seasoned ones and some that know more than I do....but all that depend on ME....and I cant forget that I have some other AMAZING PS girls that I already love as new friends beyond the job :)
Throughout this new role I have learned to prioritize what's important and at the moment....honestly social media has dropped to the bottom of the list......so if I have missed some important updates or other vital info....please accept my apologize....emails and play time with the Bs have taken more of a priority :)
With that being said I hope you are doing well and are as excited about all the things that come along with fall as the Dertings!!
PS: Program Specialist really means Problem Solver
Signing off....Agent Derting
Much love....Alysha
I started this post on Sunday, but couldn't get it in the right direction, so I put it down and thought I will do it tomorrow once the week starts and I have a good feeling about how things might go this week.....GOOD thing I didn't pick this up yesterday b/c I needed today to find the balance I have been seeking......had I based it off of yesterday's experiences it wouldn't have been a true reflection of how my new life has been going....
I can't say enough how much I love my new job, it is a HUGE push daily to keep up with emails, who said what, who needs what and when and even what school will I be at today....I used to be an organized person and if you could see my work bag right now....you would understand the words "used to be"......
Although I left one school today feeling accomplished and drove to another and found more things that still needed my attention....the feeling is so rewarding, when one person says, "you have been helpful".....that is what this job is......being helpful, being human, being able to admit when I messed up, but also being able to share my passion and knowledge with others that need some encouragement.....I have 16 AMAZING teachers that I am working with weekly and they depend on my guidance and voice to share their concerns....I can only hope at the end of the day that I have succeed in making them feel worthy and needy as they truly are since they are the ones helping kids everyday.....
I am quite amazed at myself and how quickly I have forgotten what its like to juggle a teaching schedule....HELLO I was just there....3 months ago (with summer break included) but my word it feels like years ago.....(could be b/c last week felt like it lasted a whole entire year by its self)......
So BALANCE.....I am desperately seeking, some days more than others...but I have to remember that I am not alone....I have several EC teachers counting on me...some brand new, some seasoned ones and some that know more than I do....but all that depend on ME....and I cant forget that I have some other AMAZING PS girls that I already love as new friends beyond the job :)
Throughout this new role I have learned to prioritize what's important and at the moment....honestly social media has dropped to the bottom of the list......so if I have missed some important updates or other vital info....please accept my apologize....emails and play time with the Bs have taken more of a priority :)
With that being said I hope you are doing well and are as excited about all the things that come along with fall as the Dertings!!
PS: Program Specialist really means Problem Solver
Signing off....Agent Derting
Much love....Alysha