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Needing to catch up.....

We all know by now that this blog adventure is used for my personal self-reflection.....its been a little while now so here it goes......

I realize that I only blog when I want to vent about something or I need to relieve some you can see its been awhile...which tells venting or stress relief needed, but I did want to update on life as a Derting from the past few weeks and the coming weeks ahead....

I will start with the fact that we are crazier than ever, but it is better than it has ever been.....Soccer is quickly coming to an end for the high school boys and Bryson's team....which went undefeated this season with a total of 48 goals in 6 games....and my B had 10 (insert-Proud Soccer Mom) weekend we will celebrate the little warriors successful season with Bryson's 1st sleepover all 9 soccer boys under one room for one night......ask me next Saturday, if there will be more?!?! Bryson is enjoying school a lot more these days as well, so much that he signed up for the science fair....ask me about that when its completed as well.....and throw in a spider model project all due next week....if we make it through...I will be thankful.....

My baby B is loving school and all her new friends....she woke today and her 1st words were "school"......oh how much easier it makes life to have 1 child that can transition into anything, anytime, and anywhere!!!! B's hair is really growing...almost mullet like, but hey its hair! Her sentences are growing more and more each her daddy she wont be quiet....pretty sure she never will ;) She loved the balloons over the weekend...which makes me so happy....oh how I love balloon rally weekend and all the memories tied to it.....memories that my babies can grow with as well!!!

There are so many things to look forward to in the coming weeks....creating some costumes for Halloween.....Veterans Day weekend which will lead me and at least one B to the beach while the boys stay home and do a little demo.....Thanksgiving.......and then there is Christmas.....I used to love weekends of doing nothing and sleeping in, but I see none of that in the near future or at least not for the reminder of this 2013 year....BUT I wouldn't trade it for anything! 6 am Saturdays and late night Sundays.....are worth every minute....

And just to add to all of the fun things we have going job couldn't possible be any better....all that heartache....was worth every second for the happiness I have found in going to work everyday! I know I keep beating a dead horse....but I am so thankful, blessed and blown away at how lucky I am to be at schools that I love and work with teachers that are becoming really great friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are well and enjoying the beautiful fall leaves......thanks for reading and supporting the Dertings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much love, Alysha

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