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Showing posts from March, 2011

I tend to overreact......

In case you can't read me like a book....I "guess" that I tend to overreact on some I have stated in recent life has been way more stressful than I like it to be lately...mostly work related (however I am very thankful for my job and it is very rewarding) lately it has just been difficult. I told Brooks Sunday that I was ready to go back to work (after my 3 day weekend)  to continue to tackle the end of year issues. Well, it didn't take but about 15 minutes Monday morning before I wanted to eat my words....I just have felt like (with the exception of day, THANKFULLY) nothing but problems, issues, concerns and needs seemed to walk through the door ALL needing immediate attention.....I am hoping that with my caseload winding down to only 2 left for the year, that I can calm down and not let the little things bring me down. So yesterday I had my monthly checkup and I was anxious, as I always am when I walk through the doors. I have tried to be a ...

A more positive outlook!

In case you don't know me by now...let me share with you....I do not like to be a negative, stressed person and to be honest I feel like I have been for weeks and its starting to drag me down. You probably know that my life is pretty straight forward and neatly laid house is organized and my desk at work is usually cleared. I do realize that this is also known as OCD and maybe its some form of craziness on whatever spectrum you would like to call it. I know these things about me and I know that when they are not this way...I am not the way I should be! I do not do these silly things to make others happy, I do these silly things to make my life less stressful. I make to-do lists so that I can bask in the glory of everything being checked off. I don't do clutter or piles of "stuff" sitting around...everything has a place and reason and it should be in its place or used for its reason!  So there you go...a little background about my silly ways of thinking and m...

I have issues!

So I don't remember with Bryson being a psycho, crazy person and if this is the way I am going to be till August, then I may need to be hospitalized for insanity until this baby comes....b/c I am not sure I will make it or Brooks! I have not had the best week and I really don't want to complain, but I am just to my breaking point, which brings me to today's event.........I had a MAJOR meeting at 8 am with a parent and several other people, so I get to work at 7:37 and a friend tells me that my pants were RIPPED in the back and only continuing to RIP more as I move! Now at this point I have a smile on my face as I type this, but 13 hours ago I was LIVID! 1st of all this are the STUPID maternity jeans that I paid $45 for at Kohls...I already had problems with the jeans b/c the leg inseam is not straight and crosses my foot instead of the side of my leg when I wear them, so they were already CRAP, but I decided since I had washed and worn them I would just keep them and then...

Not my original intent....

 I have pondered all weekend about writing because this is "my out" and I have needed out for a couple of days now, but just haven't been able to sit down to write....I wanted to complain about my crazy week and how I just found gum in my 5 month old dryer, but then I began thinking............... There is something else I should be doing instead on complaining....I should be thankful and grateful for all I have and all my family has......what the heck am I thinking...because we didn't have power for 15 hours, some people don't have power for days, some weeks because they can't afford it....Brooks and I had a ridiculous argument Wednesday morning, that set the tone for the whole day...(it was all because we got up 5 minutes late and I should mention he drove all the way to SP on his lunch break to put a rose and note in my car....therefore I am very lucky and blessed to have him)....some couples argue everyday over much bigger things, I am thankful that we a...

Her name is..........

Britan Rae! Sounds like (Great) Britain! I have been guarded about her name because we have told people that ask and we have had mixed reactions....weird looks....awkward silence, which tells me that its definitely a different name and that is EXACTLY what were going for. Of course her big brother and daddy have the initials BRD, so we wanted to stick with the theme. And as for those who wonder why not my initials well we have reasons for that too....1st of all if I used my middle name then my initials would be ADD and with the profession I am in, I don't care for her to have those initials, granted if she ends up with ADD (like me) then we will deal with that, but I would rather not give her a head start. Then if I use my maiden name in the middle it would be ACD, which when I say it I automatically think ACDC! So no to that too! I have realized that when I search the name it is mostly for a boy, but we would not have named a boy this only because when I hear Brit with An at t...


Sunday I had already prepared myself for an exhausting week ahead...that contained a 12 hour workday Monday, 2 doctor's appointments, soccer practice/games, and many things to accomplish at work....but the silver linings of the week would be Wednesday when we get to see the baby again and Thursday when we meet my NH mother-in-law for dinner at the Melting Pot, so there are EXCITING things coming.........BUT I had no idea that Monday would turn out crazier than I expected! I worked till right at 7 last night and Brooks and Bryson went to work on a fish tank, so we ended up getting home within minutes of one another to find that....there was NO POWER! We had a massive storm as most of you know, but I had no clue what we were in store for with the night ahead. When I pulled onto our road it was PITCH dark and it appeared that my bright lights weren't doing a very good job, so then I pull into the driveway mashing the garage door opener 100 times, until my light bulb came on and ...