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Sunday I had already prepared myself for an exhausting week ahead...that contained a 12 hour workday Monday, 2 doctor's appointments, soccer practice/games, and many things to accomplish at work....but the silver linings of the week would be Wednesday when we get to see the baby again and Thursday when we meet my NH mother-in-law for dinner at the Melting Pot, so there are EXCITING things coming.........BUT

I had no idea that Monday would turn out crazier than I expected! I worked till right at 7 last night and Brooks and Bryson went to work on a fish tank, so we ended up getting home within minutes of one another to find that....there was NO POWER! We had a massive storm as most of you know, but I had no clue what we were in store for with the night ahead. When I pulled onto our road it was PITCH dark and it appeared that my bright lights weren't doing a very good job, so then I pull into the driveway mashing the garage door opener 100 times, until my light bulb came on and I realized....Um, the garage door requires power! So I was greeted by Diesel as I stumbled my way into the DARK house trying not to trip over him! Thankfully Bryson had fallen asleep for the night, so Brooks and I went back and forth holding our candles wondering when the lights could possibly come back on, finally after 20-30 minutes of pondering we decided to head to bed. We left our bedroom light and bathroom light flipped on, so it would wake us up when it came back on at least we hoped, but that was useless!! Brooks turned his phone off b/c it was almost dead and I woke up about every hour to check the time to make sure we didn't over sleep! Now we did have one MAJOR concern that needed attention by morning or we would be in serious husbands HOBBY.......the saltwater tanks....we have about 400 gallons of saltwater tanks throughout the house that require a certain temperature and water movement and without power NEITHER of those can be we worried all night whether or not anything would die, had died or whether or not one of the four tanks had crashed or would crash before we had power.....

So my morning started earlier than ever at be exact, mostly because I didn't really sleep in fear of the unknown that no power brings! It was very scary, very weird the silence in the house, the complete darkness in the night sky! Many things ran through my mind throughout the night, what if someone tried to break in, how would we protect ourselves when we couldn't even see ourselves, what if the baby was already here, how in the world do you take care of a baby in the COMPLETE darkness, what if there was another storm or tornado coming, we would never know b/c there was nothing that could warn us! My thoughts were endless, so we decided to get up and go to McDonald's one for food, since we couldn't open the fridge, use the toaster, or even see to pour cereal and two to see some LIGHT! When we got home I fumbled for some clothes, that didn't require ironing and that would actually fit, gathered my make-up, brushed my teeth and headed to work to finish getting ready....because in case you didn't know b/c I didn't, the freaking hot water heater (that would have provided a nice warm shower) REQUIRES POWER!

Brooks and Bryson went to pick up a generator, so if nothing else could be turned on, the fish tanks could! Thankfully it wasn't a cold night, since we didn't have heat nor did the fish. Brooks was able to get all of the tanks going by 8 and NOTHING THANKFULLY was wrong! By 10 am our little community was full of life  and light again and we all had POWER!!!

So as the day progressed it got better and it ended with hearing the heartbeat of the sweet girl in my belly!!! :) Now we can move onto the fun days for this week with hopefully no more road blocks in the way! I hope you were safe from the storm last night and I also hope that you take a minute to realize how much we truly rely on POWER! It is one of the greatest inventions and I am very thankful to have access to it today! Have a GREAT week...there should be another post this stay tuned! :) Love to you, Alysha

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