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Showing posts from January, 2011

Feeling....................WONDERFULLY Productive!!!!

I am very happy to say that the LONGEST month of the year is coming to a close (RIP January 2011). January feels like it has taken 13 months to pass and I couldn't be happier to see it come to an end on Tuesday morning! I have to say that this week has been very productive and I have learned many new things this week...... Most importantly I have learned (reiterated mostly) that life can change quickly, in an instance, in the blink of an eye....I learned of the passing of someone very close to my age which makes me realize just because I am not 80 yet, tomorrow is not guaranteed. I learned of a friends unfortunate misdiagnosis that has her patiently waiting for surgery to remove the foreign object that has settled in her body. I also, saw a random act of kindness this week that will not be forgotten anytime soon. I witnessed a young man in his late teens (I am guessing) pay it forward to a lady in front of him in line at the grocery this may not be that uncommon, but ...

So it's Wednesday!

Why is it that every time there is a holiday or it's a four day work week for some reason...the week takes 1500 times longer than a normal week??? It has been a crazy 2 days, but the week is almost over and then we can begin our whirlwind of no free weekends till March (YAY)!!! Things to do...makes me HAPPY! So tomorrow is 12 weeks :) I am still struggling a little bit talking about it..because there is still a little fear there that something could happen...I wish my mind would settle and the thoughts would go away, but I guess everything will calm when the baby is here....although that seems like a LONG ways a way right now! So I am pondering a 5k this weekend...thoughts on this please!!!! I have been running (jogging) a little and I know that IF I decide to this that I will probably be last because I know that I don't want to push myself to the limit. I feel good when I am running, I just haven't gotten to 3 miles, so I wonder how well I would do. This is the run that ...

Friday Night Reflections......

The week ended much better than it started!!! We had school today in Alexander County and I accomplished a whole weeks worth of things in 2 days, somehow :) Tonight the boys are gone to Mooresville to the slot car track (don't ask me what they are or what it means b/c I don't know....all I know is that it takes up a lot of time) I am home pondering my Friday night and here are my thoughts....... Remember when Friday nights meant sleepovers with pizza and TGIF on TV? I loved Friday nights filled with Full House and Family Matters. Then Saturday mornings meant CARTOONS....the good ones like the Flintstones, Chipmunks, Smurfs and even Ninja Turtles! The past few mornings I have gone into work on delay which has given me the opportunity to catch up on Saved by the Bell!!! Can you believe that Zach Morris is pushing 40?? I have to say that the 80s and 90s were the BEST!!!!! Heck we are the generation that 1st got Nintendo and silly bands were nothing compared to slap bracel...

**Snow**Days** are making me NEGATIVE.

***The 1st 2 paragraphs were from yesterday...when I was a little more positive than today! Well....well....the question is how long till this winter weather is gone and the state on NC can resume normalcy again??? No offense to the snow lovers out there...but it can't come soon enough. I am not really a fan of possibly using Spring Break the 2nd week of January nor am I for Saturday school, so sorry again but the sun shining and the temp above freezing tomorrow would make me much happier. So what have we done today....well eat, eat and eat....therefore another reason I don't need to be sitting home. Of course we ventured out today because my husband is just like my father and driving in snowy conditions is like a sport for the both of them. First trip was to town for FOOD, of course, and also to see how bad the roads actually were. Then we made a trip to the Home Depot later this afternoon. I was able to accomplish a lot of planning for the Birthday party today and probabl...

Random things from the 1st week of January!

It has been a really, quick, successful, productive week!!! Lots accomplished with my kids this week...a little paperwork accomplished as well. Getting back into a routine...although I would love to sleep just a little later, has been the best thing for the Derting's. Schedules and things to accomplish makes me feel better mentally, physically and emotionally. I should also mention that I made it to 10 weeks today :) :) :) I am so excited and thankful to be at this place and to this point. I am still hoping and praying that everything is going as it should since we don't go back to the doctor for a couple of weeks. We swam Monday and I walked a couple of miles yesterday and I am a little tired, but feel so much better than the past weeks and I can only hope that it will continue to go up hill from here!! I have gotten a little bit of a head start on the upcoming 5th Birthday party....invites are on the way.....I just need to nail down a race car......anyone out there that c...