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**Snow**Days** are making me NEGATIVE.

***The 1st 2 paragraphs were from yesterday...when I was a little more positive than today!

Well....well....the question is how long till this winter weather is gone and the state on NC can resume normalcy again??? No offense to the snow lovers out there...but it can't come soon enough. I am not really a fan of possibly using Spring Break the 2nd week of January nor am I for Saturday school, so sorry again but the sun shining and the temp above freezing tomorrow would make me much happier.

So what have we done today....well eat, eat and eat....therefore another reason I don't need to be sitting home. Of course we ventured out today because my husband is just like my father and driving in snowy conditions is like a sport for the both of them. First trip was to town for FOOD, of course, and also to see how bad the roads actually were. Then we made a trip to the Home Depot later this afternoon. I was able to accomplish a lot of planning for the Birthday party today and probably spent a little too much money on Ebay.

Today is Tuesday 1-11-11 and I am bored out of my mind. I hate to be negative, but I can't take this. The house is cleaned out from my over the weekend projects and there are only a couple of things that I can think left to do...considering we cleaned behind the couches and washed walls yesterday. I guess that I should be enjoying this time off, but I am really struggling at this point. This reaffirms that my job is very important to my sanity and everyone elses that is around me! Bryson is enjoying the day pulling out Christmas toys and wearing shorts and short sleeves (see even my kid is ready for summer). I can't stop thinking that my calendar at work is now 2 days behind and the chances of it being 3 days behind are pretty clear.

Okay I am done...I hope....I think.....I am going to get up and put on a happy face and be thankful that we have power, heat, food and meaningless TV shows to watch. I hope that you are enjoying your time and maybe tomorrow life can resume in Statesville and surrounding areas :) Be careful & enjoy the weather (if this is your favorite season)! Sincerely trying to be more upbeat, Alysha 

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